Mira Kapoor swears by this DIY ingredient for flawless skin

Considered a wellness enthusiast and beauty junkie, Mira Kapoor has often been vocal about her natural skincare choices. Religiously following classic home remedies and opting for kitchen ingredients to achieve that natural luminous glow, Mira Kapoor’s secret to supple soft and flawless skin is rather quite easy to unravel. Always dropping face pack recipes and skincare tips, one local component, which you can be confident of finding in her DIYs, is the traditional Indian spice – haldi. Regarded as the ultimate holy grail with innumerable health benefits, turmeric’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties not only aid in treating wounds but is also packed with various beautifying benefits. 

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3 easy ways to incorporate haldi into your skincare regime:

Turmeric, yoghurt and gram flour face pack for dry skin 

With gram flour acting as an excellent exfoliant, yoghurt performing as a natural moisturiser and turmeric possessing anti-inflammatory properties, this instant DIY is considered every dry skin type’s go-to face pack. To create the recipe, take 1 teaspoon of gram flour, 1 teaspoon of yoghurt and a pinch of turmeric. Mix the ingredients well together to form a paste-like consistency and slather the natural concoction onto your face and neck area. Leave to rest for 10 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water. 

Fuller’s earth, haldi and raw milk for dull skin 

The combination of haldi, raw milk and fuller’s earth is the ultimate face pack you can always rely on for an instant glow. A quick whisk up to apply before any occasion or impromptu plan, this DIY will guarantee you shine even without the spotlight. To make the pack, add 1 teaspoon of fuller’s earth to a bowl with a pinch of turmeric and 2 teaspoons of raw milk and blend. Apply the mixture onto your face and neck, letting it rest for 7-10 minutes until it’s dry. Lastly, in a gentle circular motion allow the pack to soften then completely wash off with water. 

Tackle hyperpigmentation with turmeric and lemon 

While turmeric is widely known for calming irritated inflamed skin, its properties can also assist in tackling pigmentation and sun spots – a few of the common skin woes Indians are prone to. To make the recipe, simply mix 1 teaspoon of gram flour, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric powder. Slather the pack onto your face, leaving it to rest for 15 minutes before washing off with water. Followed by a light gel or cream to provide moisture and lock everything in. 

Disclaimer: With natural ingredients it’s recommended to patch test before topical application on face.

Also read:

Sonam Kapoor’s go-to natural ingredient to achieve flawless skin is besan – here’s how to add it to DIY recipes

5 ways to use turmeric, Tara Sutaria’s go-to skincare ingredient, in your DIY beauty recipes

Miranda Kerr on her love for turmeric, crystals and considering skincare as a self-care practice

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