Tips to manage stress and anxiety during exams

Stress and anxiety are very common in human beings. Human thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are rooted in the brain. The human brain is the central organ of the human nervous system, and with the spinal cord makes up the central nervous system.

The relationship between the brain and the mind is a significant challenge both philosophically and scientifically. The mind is the set of faculties responsible for all mental phenomena. These include thought, memory, sensation, will, desire, emotions, pain, belief and intentions.

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It directly affects how we think, feel, and act and helps in determining how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. From childhood to adolescence, mental health is very important in every phase of life.

What is stress?
Stress is a normal response of the body to some type of change, demand, or threat. The response can have a physical, emotional, or mental component. Every single person experiences some degree of stress in their life. Each person may respond differently to stressors, some reacting more intensely or frequently than others.

What is anxiety?
Anxiety is also as normal as stress. It is a feeling of fear, worry, or nervousness. One might get anxious before a big test, for instance, worried that you won’t do well. Stress and anxiety often go together, with stressful events or experiences triggering feelings of anxiety.

Why are exams stressful for students?
Exams can put a lot of pressure on students. Studying for the exam is not the only thing that plays on their little minds, but also the stress in anticipation of how they will perform and what score they will get. The effects of exam stress on children’s mental and physical health can be devastating at a very young age.

Stress and anxiety causes mental health problems and can make existing problems worse. There are various reasons when a person can feel stressed and can get anxiety. When it comes to children, they usually get stressed during exams. Exam pressure often gives children anxiety issues. It can be mentally debilitating and students must learn how to deal with anxiety and stress to become mentally strong. Various tips are there to manage stress and anxiety in the time of exams.

According to a recent nationwide mental health survey, 81 percent of school students surveyed perceive “studies, examinations, and results” to be a major source of anxiety. These issues will get worse when a student will move to more difficult subjects. Eventually, the pressure to excel in life will become more stressful.

Tips to manage stress and anxiety during exam

  • Have a clean, quiet space to work, with ready access to any materials you need. Prepare as best as you can. Being well-prepared goes a long way to help you feel confident about your study material, which can ultimately keep stress in check.
  • Make a clear plan of portions that you want to cover in each study period. Break it down into small tasks and work on one task at a time, so it won’t give you any kind of anxiety before exams.
  • A proper sleep is a must during exams as it will help in memorize things better. Lack of sleep may affect our mental and physical health. Thus, sleep is important for concentration and memory.
  • Eat well during exam as healthy meals can help you in remaining fit. Try avoiding junk foods as it provides a sudden burst of energy which will disappear, leaving you feeling worn out.
  • If you get any kind of feeling like anxiety just before your exam, focus on your breathing. Breathe in to a count of 3 and then breathe out to a count of 3. Repeat this for a few minutes.
  • Make yourself feel relaxed and calm just before appearing in the exam. Read out the questions in a peaceful mind and work on the questions which are easy for you to go. Be confident in writing answers.

Exams are just a part of our lives. One’s capability can not be judge by exams. So, all the parents should support their children in whatever marks they are scoring. Students should try to not feel pressurised while appearing for exams and nobody should compare one’s performance with others.

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