Of the several inflammatory conditions, one of the most common is Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) — “a type of joint pain that is no longer limited to older people; there is a rise in the condition among young adults, including those who have recovered from Covid-19,” said Dr Vishwajeet Chavan, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Apollo Spectra Hospital, Pune while sharing that 15-20 per cent young patients (35-40 years) also suffer from joint pain.
What is RA?
An autoimmune disorder, RA affects the joints, skin, eyes, lungs, heart, and blood vessels. “It is a condition when a person’s immune system begins attacking body tissues,” said Vikas Chawla, Ayurveda expert, founder, and director, Vedas Cure.
A 2014-Research Gate study lists the following symptoms of RA.
*Warm, swollen joints
*Symmetrical pattern of affected joints
*Fatigue, occasional fevers, loss of energy
*Joint inflammation that often affects the wrist and finger joints
*Joint inflammation sometimes affecting the joints in the neck, shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, ankles, and feet.
“In RA, the joints are damaged to a huge extent that ultimately leads to its destruction and deformity. Although RA has no proper cure it can be treated well under good medications with sufficient rest and regular exercises, and occasionally surgery,” the study noted.
While a healthy diet consisting of fresh vegetables along with dairy products, nuts, seeds, and fish as well as enough sunlight every day (for vitamin D) is recommended, Dr Mihir Khatri, an ayurvedic practitioner also shared some natural remedies that people with RA can count on. Take a look at his Instagram post below:
Fenugreek seeds
Have a spoonful of fenugreek seeds powder with water after meals or soak seeds (spoonful) in a cup of water overnight. Chew them in the morning and drink the water for better effect.
Ginger tea
Have dry ginger powder (about 2.5 grams or half spoon) in two cups of water. Boil the mixture till it becomes one cup. Strain the liquid and add a spoon full of castor oil and drink it.
According to Dr Khatri, it is best for pain with swelling as it removes toxins from the gut. “Ginger reduces pain and swelling. Castor oil helps against inflammation,” he said.
Drumstick soup
Dr Khatri shared that drumstick is one of the best vegetables to relieve swelling and pain. “It reduces inflammation from body, and also improves kidney function,” said Dr Khatri, adding that one can cut drumstick into pieces and boil in water. Add rock salt, and black pepper. “Crush and strain or chew the stick directly,” he suggested.
Additionally, one must drink “lukewarm water” through the day. “It helps reduce bloating, and removes undigested food from the body,” said Dr Khatri, further stating that it will also make one feel light and energetic. “Dinner should be light (easy to digest) and early,” he shared.
What to avoid?
Regular consumption of tomato, curd, bakery items, and fermented food as well as excess of salty foods should be strictly avoided, according to the expert.
Add fenugreek seeds to your diet (Source: Getty images)
“Fenugreek seeds are good for RA patients, and should be consumed early morning or after dinner. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which cure joint pains. Ginger tea is also an important drink as it removes pain and swelling and removes toxins from the gut. Drumstick soup is also a sapid starter which eliminates inflammation and relaxes the body. Lukewarm water might sound like a generic drink, but its health benefits cannot be denied. It reduces bloating, keeps the stomach feeling lighter and is the most energising and refreshing drink, which might lower the symptoms of RA,” Chawla told indianexpress.com.
How do they help improve the symptoms?
All of the above-mentioned remedies help improve the body’s metabolism (the cause of RA), said Dr Dixa Bhavsar Savaliya, an ayurvedic practitioner. “RA is caused due to indigestion (and not due to friction in joints like other arthritis),” she added, further suggesting that turmeric, ginger, and mint work too.
The Research Gate study also listed turmeric as an “extremely effective anti-inflammatory herb that acts as a pain reliever”. “Curcumin and curcuminoids are the two essential chemicals that help to decrease inflammation and are the most recommended remedy for RA”. A 2020- National Centre for Biotechnology Information study also pinpointed that a few herbs exhibited strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities, contributing to a reduction in inflammation and tissue damage. While more studies and clinical trials are warranted, several herbs elucidated new mechanisms for RA treatment, it mentioned.
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