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11 Simple home remedies for Asthma

Asthma is one of the major chronic diseases in the world that affects nearly 300 million people across the globe and its rate of impact increases by a whopping 50% every decade. Moreover, it affects both adults and children and is the most common chronic disease among children, according to the WHO. So, if you have been diagnosed with low or severe asthma, we have some simple home remedies that…


¿No puedes borrar las manchas amarillas de sudor? Atento a este líquido mágico con lo que solucionarás el problema

La sudoración es la función fisiológica que permite al cuerpo controlar la temperatura corporal. Por lo general, esta condición aumenta con la llegada del clima cálido. De hecho, en primavera y verano, el aumento de la sudoración puede provocar esos molestos halos amarillos y amenazar nuestras camisetas. Especialmente los blancos. Además, el sudor puede causar un olor desagradable que es difícil de eliminar. En las camisetas, estas marcas suelen aparecer bajo las…


La determinación de la HbA1c es clave en el cribado de la diabetes

Los métodos de detección tanto para el cribado como para el diagnóstico de la diabetes en el centro de salud es la medición de la glucemia basal en ayunas, en plasma venoso. Se consideran que los valores iguales o mayores a 126 mg/dl obtenidos en días diferentes corresponden al diagnóstico de diabetes. Además, se emplea la determinación mediante analítica de sangre de la hemoglobina glicosilada cuyo punto de corte es…


Break Up With Your Gym, This Next-Level Kings Park Health Club Has Everything

We know that we feel happier after moving our bodies. Whether in a group fitness class to keep the motivation high or by plugging in a poddy while striding through a few kilometres on the treadmill—anything to get the endorphins pumping.  What turns off the tap on those happy hormones is trying to coordinate a timetable when your reformer pilates studio is on the opposite side of town to your gym and the…


Signs of Mortgage Stress – Forbes Advisor Australia

With the cash rate rising, Australian borrowers are now being forced to cough up higher repayments on their mortgages. In fact, due to the latest 0.25% hike in October, an Australian with an average $500,000, 25-year mortgage will now pay an extra $76.45 on their mortgage a month.  For those with a $1 million mortgage, that extra monthly repayment will be more than $150 per month following the latest hike….


Beauty tips: Pooja is over, it’s time for the best skin and hair care! Here are simple and natural beauty tips from Indian women beauty tips that workNews WAALI

There are natural and home remedies for every beauty problem. By using or applying them, you can avoid spending on chemical-laden cosmetics and other beauty products. Remember, products from nature can be used, which do not involve the use of chemicals. Naturally beauty methods have no side effects. For generations, Indian women have been carrying clean and shiny beauty tips from everyday life. Multani clay for glowing skin – Advertisement…


La hierba para combatir el insomnio y tener un sueño reparador

Cuando una persona tiene problemas para conciliar el sueño, quedarse dormido o las dos cosas, se le conoce como insomnio. Este es un trastorno común que provoca cansancio y agotamiento derivados de la falta descanso. Según Medline Plus, sitio web de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de Estados Unidos, existen dos tipos de insomnio: agudo y crónico. El primero dura días o pocas semanas tras un episodio de estrés, el…


Inigualables recetas para los apasionados por el ramen

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- El ramen es un plato japonés. Si bien cada región de Japón tiene su propia receta de ramen, la preparación básica consiste en distintos tipos de fideos servidos en un caldo preparado comúnmente a base de carne y salsa de soja y diferentes “toppings” que quedan a elección de quién lo prepare. La gastronomía japonesa antes nos era un tanto desconocida y exótica creyendo que su platillo más…


Romanian Deadlift Exercise: How To, Benefits, Variations

The Romanian deadlift exercise was named after the Romanian weightlifter Nicu Vlad, an Olympic medalist in the ’80s and ’90s. Vlad performed this deadlift variation after finishing his Olympic lifting, and some fellow lifters asked him what he was doing. He said he did them to make his entire back strong for the clean, and then the Romanian deadlift was born. The Romanian deadlift—also known as the RDL—is like the…


Natural Remedies adds Holixer holy basil to botanicals portfolio

“Our process of developing Holixer took five years of research and is made with Bioactive Optimization Technology, yielding a unique profile, Ocimum-Bioactive Complex (OBC), which is a potent collection of different bioactives, creating a unique holy basil ingredient,” ​said ​Narender Reddy, Chief Executive Officer at Natural Remedies. Holixer launches alongside the proprietary and patent-pending Bioactive Optimization Technology (BOT), which the company explains combines chemistry and biology knowledge to optimize bioactives and dose….