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Remedios naturales para acelerar el metabolismo y quemar grasa

El metabolismo es un conjunto de reacciones químicas que se registran en las células del cuerpo, los cuales producen la energía para el organismo, según Medline Plus, sitio web de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de Estados Unidos. Los organismos necesitan el metabolismo para crecer, reproducirse y mantenerse sanos. Este también ayuda a eliminar sustancias tóxicas e interviene en la respiración, la circulación sanguínea, la regulación de la temperatura corporal,…


25 Best Sorghum Recipes and Menu Ideas

Gluten-free, nutritionally dense, and deliciously versatile, these incredible sorghum recipes are perfect for beginners and master chefs alike. So even if you’ve never cooked with it before, it’s a great alternative to rice and other grains you really should try. Want to save this recipe? Enter your email below and we’ll send the recipe straight to your inbox! Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Also known as Indian millet,…


Top Ships Inc. Enters Into Warrant Exercise Transaction for

ATHENS, Greece, Oct. 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TOP Ships Inc. (Nasdaq: TOPS) (the “Company”) announced today that it has entered into an agreement with an accredited investor that is an existing holder of warrants to purchase an aggregate of 715,150 of the Company’s common shares for cash (the “Existing Warrants”), wherein the investor agreed to exercise all of the Existing Warrants at an exercise price reduced from $10.00 per…


How to Increase Libido in Men: Complete Breakdown

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. As you know male libido is a sensitive topic! Few men want to address the topic of how to increase libido because it’s embarrassing. We get it! That’s why we just had to feature a complete breakdown of options, advice, and supplements that will help you increase libido in men without…


composición y motivos de su éxito en España

Probablemente hayas salido a la calle más de una vez y te hayas detenido a pensar por qué leer escaparates de mercados que patrocinan sus productos de CBD se ha vuelto tan frecuente. Esto no es nada sorprendente, ya que su comercialización se ha convertido en un gigante de la industria terapéutica. El negocio del CBD ha irrumpido en la economía de nuestro país y su llegada ha marcado un…


cuál es la mejor hora para entrenar

El mundo del deporte no tiene por qué ser ingrato, aunque no lo practiquemos a menudo. Lo que sí es cierto es que hacer ejercicio de manera regular nos beneficiará de forma física y mental, independientemente de nuestra edad. Esto no significa que a partir de los 50 años y sin haber hecho deporte nunca queramos hacer maratones, pero tampoco significa que nos apalanquemos en el sofá con el teléfono…


Heart-Deep Theology | Desiring God

ABSTRACT: Seventeenth-century poet George Herbert once likened the experience of meditating on Scripture to inhaling a shooting star: the Bible disrupted his insides, shook his heart, and demanded visceral expression. So, as pastor of a rural country parish in southern England, he expounded Reformation doctrine and spirituality in what would come to be recognized as some of the best devotional poetry in the English language. A look at Herbert’s canon…


Farm safety risk for farmers under mental health stress highlighted

A farmer under stress is more likely to be involved in a farm safety incident according to a minister with responsibility for farm safety, as he highlighted that farmers also face a disproportionate burden of mental health problems.  The importance of mental health and wellbeing for those in the farming community was stressed to mark World Mental Health Day, taking place today, October 10.  Minister of State at the Department…


7 best natural sleep remedies

If you need help getting a good night’s sleep, natural remedies can be a great place to start looking for the help you need. But what are the best natural remedies to help you get the best sleep possible? We speak to owner of Health Food and More in Kirkcaldy, Keren Brynes MacLean, to find out about the top natural remedies to combat common sleeping problems. Best natural sleep remedies…


La fruta para desinflamar el colon: así se puede consumir

Al colon se le conoce como el intestino grueso y hace parte del sistema digestivo. Es un tubo largo y hueco en el cual el cuerpo produce y almacena las heces, precisa la biblioteca médica MedlinePlus. Este órgano está expuesto a muchos trastornos que pueden afectar su capacidad para funcionar adecuadamente. El colon inflamado es una afección que es conocida con el término médico síndrome del intestino irritable. En la…