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Slum festival a ray of hope for Delhi’s homeless- The New Indian Express

By Express News Service NEW DELHI: The ongoing slum festival in Delhi’s shelter homes has given homeless people an opportunity to learn and participate in various recreational activities. Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia launched the week-long festival to spread awareness about the issues surrounding homelessness and its challenges on World Homeless Day, October 10. The shelters set up activities such as medical camps, yoga, meditation classes, special drive on cleanliness and…


El ejercicio neutraliza los efectos del estrs

—A nivel cerebral, existe una disciplina deportiva, o intensidad de ejercicio que sea mejor? —El ejercicio, para que tenga efectos en la salud, debera ser intenso. Todo ejercicio aerbico que alcance intensidad, como caminar, nadar o andar en bicicleta, jugar al tenisu otros deportes con intensidad, seran efectivos. Lo importante es que cada individuo debe definir su capacidad y sus limitaciones para ver cul es el volumen de actividad fsica…


Rheumatoid arthritis: These Ayurvedic remedies will help relieve swelling, pain

Of the several inflammatory conditions, one of the most common is Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) — “a type of joint pain that is no longer limited to older people; there is a rise in the condition among young adults, including those who have recovered from Covid-19,” said Dr Vishwajeet Chavan, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Apollo Spectra Hospital, Pune while sharing that 15-20 per cent young patients (35-40 years) also suffer from joint pain….


El aceite esencial que alivia el estrés y estimula la memoria

El estrés sirve como un estímulo para estar al frente de situaciones importantes para la persona afectada, como puede ser la pérdida de un ser querido, problemas en el trabajo o una mala situación económica. Sin embargo, cuando los niveles de estrés se manifiestan con frecuencia, esto puede desencadenar graves problemas de salud mental. De acuerdo con la Sociedad Española para el Estudio del Estrés y la Ansiedad (SEAS), el…


How To Tell if Mushrooms Are Bad

Mushrooms make a fantastically hearty addition to soups, stews, salads and stir fry. They come in many shapes and sizes, but no matter which one you choose, they’re always nutritious and filling. There’s nothing worse than finding a spoiled mushroom though; they take on a slimy feel that’s unmatched by any other type of vegetable.  Mushrooms are delicious, but only if they’re at the peak of their ripeness. We know…


Top Ships Inc. Enters Into Warrant Exercise Transaction for $4.8 Million in Gross Proceeds

TOP Ships Inc. announced that it has entered into an agreement with an accredited investor that is an existing holder of warrants to purchase an aggregate of 715,150 of the Company’s common shares for cash (the “Existing Warrants”), wherein the investor agreed to exercise all of the Existing Warrants at an exercise price reduced from $10.00 per share to $6.75 per share. The Existing Warrants were previously issued in a…


Yoga poses for sinus pressure  

Yoga poses and exercises tend to be effective in a natural way and will help you get symptomatic relief from sinus pressure along with giving your body a chance to recover. This ancient practice will not only help in enhancing your respiratory function and fighting against sinus infections, but it will also help to boost the overall stamina of the body along with improving the mental state. The occurrence of…


Adiós varices: la infusión casi milagrosa que se toma en la noche y te desinflama las piernas

Existen varias infusiones naturales que ayudan a mejor la circulación sanguínea.   Por:  Redacción MUI KITCHEN 12 de octubre 2022 · 04:19 hs Por lo general, la hinchazón de las piernas suele ser un problema de salud bastante común, especialmente en los adultos. El portal web Medline Plus indica que se trata de la acumulación anormal de líquidos (edema) en los tobillos, pies y piernas que puede causar hinchazón y…


según inicio, duración y forma de administración

Los análogos de la insulina junto con la insulina humana son los fármacos disponibles para el tratamiento de la diabetes. Los análogos de insulina se desarrollaron para evitar las limitaciones que presentaba la insulina humana cuando se inyectaba. Las insulinas se pueden clasificar atendiendo a varios criterios. Inicio, la rapidez a la que actúan; pico, cuánto tarda en lograr el impacto máximo; duración, lo que tarda en desaparecer su efecto;…


Nature walks can relieve stress

Science is showing how immersion in nature can speed healing and act as an antidote for many ailments. Last year I participated in a nature walk. I was able to stop and take a different look at the trees around me. I listened to the sounds and wondered at the sights. It was truly refreshing. Nature can provide you with relief from the stress of a major life transition. The…