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Cuatro bebidas naturales para combatir la gastritis

De acuerdo con la Clínica Mayo, la gastritis no solo es una afección sino el conjunto de muchas, pues implica una inflamación del revestimiento del estómago. Sus causas se asocian con el consumo de licor y medicamentos como analgésicos, por ejemplo. Existen dos tipos: la crónica, y la aguda, donde los síntomas más relevantes son ardor, náuseas, vómitos que provocan úlceras aumentando los riesgos del cáncer de estómago. Es de…


Five Natural Ways to Fall Asleep

50 to 70 million Americans report having chronic sleep disorders. While many prescription drugs are approved by the FDA, using them regularly could lead to long-term consequences. As a result, many people are turning to natural remedies such as CBD gummies for sleep found here. In this post, we will explore 5 of the most popular natural ways to fall asleep. You can use one or a variety of these methods to…


EPCOT’s Food & Wine Festival: Dates, Food, Performers

You do not need a real passport to eat and drink around the world… just a ticket and reservation to EPCOT.  While guests can dine and sip at the park’s World Showcase throughout the year, the annual International Food & Wine Festival is a months-long event that celebrates “the best in global food and drink.” This year’s celebration at Disney World features more than 25 festival food and wine marketplaces, including Spain, Brazil, India, Australia,…


UK is transferring 60 mothballed tanks to Europe for military exercise at NATO base

The UK is taking 60 mothballed tanks out of storage and transferring them to Europe for military exercise at NATO’s Forward Holding Base in Sennelager, Germany, as per a report by the Telegraph.  “We are investing in our site in Germany which shows we are credible and serious about investing in European security because we aim to be a leader in Nato,” a source in the Defence Ministry of the UK…


Remedios naturales para mejorar la circulación en las piernas

El sistema circulatorio es de vital importancia para el organismo, pues está formado por vasos sanguíneos que transportan la sangre desde y hacia el corazón. De esta manera, se logra la movilización de nutrientes, oxígeno, dióxido de carbono, hormonas y otras sustancias a lo largo de todo el cuerpo. Sin embargo, en algunas ocasiones aparecen problemas de salud que afectan el sistema circulatorio. En consecuencia, es recomendable acudir a un…


Be an Empathetic Pet Parent; Follow These 10 Tips to Reduce Your Pet’s Stress this Diwali Season!

Representational image (SL Shanth Kumar/BCCL Mumbai) If you’ve owned a pet or known a pet owner, you’re fully aware of the horrors these animals face during Diwali. If our fuzzy friends could question us, they’d probably ask why we celebrate the ‘festival of joy’ with loud noises that physically and psychologically affect numerous animals and many vulnerable humans. Dogs have about seven times the hearing we do, and constant crackers’…


Katrick: A meditation on Pentecost

It’s been three weeks, since we’ve turned our calendars from September to October. In another week or so, we’ll be turning them again to what some refer to in these parts as the month of Novembrrrr! The seasons are going over all too quickly, unless you’re referring to that time of the church year known as “after Pentecost” or the “common season”. Unlike the autumn, with its full spectrum of…



Amarose Skin Tag Remover Reviews  Even if moles and skin tags aren’t hazardous, they may still be unsightly. Moles and skin tags, however, may sometimes be cancerous or serve as early warning signs of a more severe condition. Bacteria may thrive in skin flaws including skin tags, warts, moles, and other blemishes, which can cause serious health issues and allergic responses.  “OFFICIAL WEBSITE” Click Here to Buy Online  Presently, the…


Remedios caseros y alimentos para aumentar la hemoglobina

La hemoglobina es la parte del glóbulo rojo que transporta el oxígeno a todas las células del cuerpo. Si una persona no cuenta con suficientes glóbulos rojos sanos, padece de anemia, lo que significa que la sangre tiene niveles de hemoglobina más bajos de lo normal, precisa la Sociedad Americana de Cáncer. Además de oxígeno, esta proteína transporta dióxido de carbono de las células hacia los pulmones, el cual se…


Lower Your Blood Pressure With These 3 Natural Extracts

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “about 1 of 3 U.S. adults – or about 75 million people – have high blood pressure.”  Another third of the adult population has prehypertension, or is at risk for high blood pressure. With these numbers, it’s clear that most people need to have a better understanding about how to effectively remove the threat of cardiovascular disease from their lives. High…