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‘Leading contributors’ of black mould around windows – simple remedies to prevent it

Nobody wants to find mould around their home, but it can be hard to avoid in humid bathrooms during the winter. While single-pane fittings are more prone to developing damp and fungus spores, double-glazing can also fall victim to unsightly black stains. According to experts at Windows Guide, leaks and condensation are the two “leading contributors” to black mould around the house. However, both are easy to prevent using a few simple…


Healthy Dairy-Free Black Bean Brownies Recipe

Many years ago, a wonderful sugar-free, gluten-free recipe creator shared her healthy black bean brownies recipe with us. Amy Green has since moved on from her days as a blogger and cookbook author, but we still have this great dessert from her collection. It’s naturally dairy-free, flourless, optionally nut-free, wonderfully rich, tender, and moist. Yet each bite is relatively low sugar, and even boasts a little dose of protein and…


Should The Mets Exercise The Team Option For Carlos Carrasco?

Brad Penner-USA TODAY Sports There are several different decisions general manager Billy Eppler and the New York Mets organization will need to make in the coming weeks and months. One part of that decision-making process will be what to do with the team’s own free agents. In total, the Mets have nine MLB free agents and seven of their own players with options they will have to make/await decisions on….


Las cuatro frutas que ayudan a prevenir la osteoporosis: así se pueden consumir

Cuidar el cuerpo es una de las primeras indicaciones que comparte los médicos y especialistas en salud. Al ser el organismo el que permite llevar a cabo las actividades diarias, su mantenimiento es imprescindible. Sin embargo, hay momentos en donde comienza a manifestarse complicaciones y una de ellas es la osteoporosis. Teniendo en cuenta datos recopilados por la Clínica de Mayo, el sistema óseo es uno de los más importantes,…


Can dogs sniff out your stress?

The human-dog relationship started long ago. Archaeological evidence suggests that dogs were the first animals domesticated by humans more than 30,000 years ago. Now, a recent study published in PLOS states that dogs can detect the physiological processes associated with psychological stress in humans with an accuracy of 93.75 per cent. Dogs have a remarkable sense of smell. As part of the study, researchers analysed whether dogs could sense the…


Lifestyle News | New Research Show Intermittent Fasting Can Affect Female Hormones

Chicago [US], October 30 (ANI): A study has found that intermittent fasting can affect women’s reproductive hormones. The study was published in the journal, ‘Obesity’. Also Read | Samsung To Release One UI 5.0 for Galaxy S21 FE Users. Eight weeks were spent monitoring a group of pre- and post-menopausal obese women who were using the “warrior diet” technique of intermittent fasting, under the direction of researchers led by Krista…


How Meditation Helps Academics – The Watchdog

Photo by Shahariar Lenin from Pixabay. For a lot of college students, school can be really stressful, and focusing in class can be really difficult. But what if there was a way to make it easier? What if there was a way to reduce stress and help you focus in classes better? The key to this is meditation. Meditation is when you completely relax, letting your brain go blank and…


Cómo conseguir el mejor ambiente para dormir

El momento de irse a la cama puede convertirse en todo un calvario, sobre todo si eres de los que padecen insomnio o les cuesta conciliar el sueño. Además de otros muchos hábitos saludables para dormir y descansar, la decoración de tu habitación juega un papel fundamental. Porque mejorar la calidad de tus horas de sueño también pasa por conseguir crear la mejor atmósfera posible. [Cómo dormir bien y conciliar…


Dark Circles: Use potatoes, cucumbers, tea bags and these remedies to treat them at home

Image Source : FREEPIK How to treat dark circles and get glossy skin back Dark circles are the result of lack of sleep or stress. They don’t only make you look tired all the time but also take away all the glow from your face. Dark circles are essentially shadows that develop under the eyes. For some they are hereditary, for others they appear due to aging, eyestrain, allergies, dehydration,…


Prepara una comida completa y saludable: Garbanzos con espinacas

Los garbanzos con espinacas configuran un platillo completo, nutritivo y delicioso. Puedes prepararlo fácilmente, en pocos pasos y disfrutarlo mientras le haces un bien a tu cuerpo. Hoy te enseñaremos a hacer esta receta desde cero, así que pon manos a la obra y ¡a cocinar! Garbanzos con espinacas. Fuente: Tienda Ecológica Online Antes de ir al paso a paso, es importante hacer hincapié en los beneficios de los garbanzos,…