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5 Best Exercise Equipment for Home

If you are setting up a home gym and wondering what is the best exercise equipment you can buy that will help you get a full body workout, then you have come to the right place. Over the past few years, a lot has changed in the home gym scene. People used to think of a home gym as a luxury, but now many people make space in their homes…


India s Best Antioxidant 7Senses Astaxanthin Is A Promising Cure For Stress

Stress has taken a toll on the urban lifestyle and is slowly approaching the rural too. Many individuals in their thirties feel just tired even with the optimal routine work. With stress being a part of daily life it’s balance and rejuvenation is equally important. To eradicate the stress and fatigue Bryogen Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd, one of the big names in Pharma Industry has launched India’s best Antioxidant 7Senses Astaxanthin….


Ayurveda haircare tips: Ayurvedic remedies to care for your dry hair | Fashion Trends

Dry and lifeless hair doesn’t have to keep you up at night as haircare experts believe that for dry hair problems, there are straightforward Ayurveda remedies that are typically present in most homes. These ayurvedic remedies have been used for centuries and have been demonstrated to be useful beyond any reasonable doubt. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Vani Ahuja, Co-Founder and Director of NatureCode, revealed some of the Ayurvedic…


Prediabetes Screening: Testing and Next Steps

Prediabetes is associated with elevated blood sugar levels that are not yet high enough to meet a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Besides serving as a stepping stone to diabetes, prediabetes increases a person’s chances of developing permanent damage to organs like their kidneys, heart, and eyes. Screening for prediabetes is essential because detecting the condition early increases your chances of preventing the onset of diabetes and its related complications. This article…


Earthbound Yogi opens in Winsted, offers yoga, meditation, reiki

“Whether you are confined to a chair while you’re doing yoga, or if you are a top athlete, yoga is for you,” she said from her new studio on Main Street, Earthbound Yogi.  “It’s all-inclusive. Everybody and anybody can do yoga,” she said. “It balances you internally as well as externally.” Scanlon is registered with Yoga Alliance as an instructor and also is certified in meditation, reiki and other disciplines….


La fruta que ayuda a eliminar los parásitos intestinales: así se puede consumir

Un parásito intestinal es un organismo que vive dentro de otro organismo y se alimenta del lugar en el que es huésped. Estos se pueden encontrar en algunos alimentos, en el agua contaminada, en la picadura de un insecto, incluso, en el contacto sexual, según Medline Plus, sitio web de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de Estados Unidos. Asimismo, estos organismos pueden generar dolor abdominal, náuseas, diarrea y hasta desnutrición,…


3 Hair Loss, Thinning, and Breakage Cures That Are Cheap, Easy, and Effective

I’m just gonna say it: Hair loss S-T-I-N-K-S. While shedding a few strands here and there is natural, hair loss can be exacerbated by all kinds of conditions, from stress and menopause, to diet and illness. For me, hair loss, thinning, and breakage went from natural to worrisome in my mid-forties. That’s when I entered perimenopause, that ever-so-fun phase of female life that — as any woman who’s been through…


cómo una comida persa se transformó en un ícono nacional

Con diversos rellenos –picadillos o recados–, masas y tamaños, cada región de la patria las perfeccionó de acuerdo a sus productos y sabores locales, creando así decenas de deliciosas versiones de esta preparación tan argentina como global: la empanada. Su historia se remonta al incio de la civilización y su difusión no conoció límites, pero es tal su cariño y arraigo por estas tierras que podría colocarse en el altar…


UNM team works out a new, simple way to exercise: UNM Newsroom

42% of people say they can’t work out because they don’t have the time, according to a 2019 poll. 70% in another poll said they don’t have a routine that works for them. Another reported 15% of people are just not happy with how busy their gym is. Those are problems UNM Exercise & Sports Sciences Associate Professor Fabiano Amorim and doctoral candidate Gabriella Bellissimo are working together to solve….


Té de orégano para aliviar malestares estomacales y eliminar parásitos: ¿cómo prepararlo?

El estómago es un órgano que cumple con tres funciones: almacenar la comida deglutida, mezclarla con los ácidos gástricos y luego enviarla hacia el intestino delgado. De esta manera, inicia la digestión de los nutrientes obtenidos a partir de los alimentos. No obstante, también puede ser escenario de una amplia variedad de síntomas y enfermedades. Por ejemplo, los males estomacales más populares son la indigestión y la acidez. De acuerdo…