– Page 5 – Tu Vida, vivela al natural | Your Life, Live it Naturally Vida y Salud Natural | Remedios Naturales | Remedios Caseros
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El sexo, factor diferenciador para el estrés crónico laboral

El síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo o “burnout”, resultado del estrés crónico en el lugar de trabajo que no se ha manejado con éxito, afecta tanto a mujeres como a hombres pero ambos presentan diferencias en los síntomas: en ellas se dan mayores tasas de “desgaste psíquico y emocional”, y en ellos son de “indolencia y cinismo”. Así lo asegura el catedrático de Psicología Social y de las Organizaciones…


Surprising Home Remedies for Poison Ivy You Wish You Knew Before

Trying certain home remedies for poison ivy is one of the best ways to get rid of the rash. Although the rash won’t go completely, you will feel much better right away. Poison ivy rash basically occurs due to physical contact with urushiol. It’s an oil found inside the poison ivy plant. While some people are not sensitive to the plant, others might experience a rash upon coming into contact…


Live longer with these dishes from ‘blue zones’ in America

CNN  —  In a few, unique communities around the globe, people live long and heathy lives, up to and past 100. Dubbed “blue zones,” residents of these areas share a common environment and lifestyle that scientists believe contribute to their longevity. The Italian island of Sardinia was where one of the first groups of centenarians were studied — soon, similar long-lived people were discovered in Ikaria, Greece; Okinawa, Japan; Nicoya,…


Exercising While High – The Hollywood Reporter

Being stoned can improve certain activities, such as auditioning for a Takis commercial. Other situations are best avoided, such as legal depositions or, one would think, working out. So I was suspicious when a friend told me that he prefers lifting weights when high. As does Joe Rogan. They claim that being baked helps improve their form by allowing them to feel how specific muscles engage — instead of trying…


5 beneficios del aceite de Neem para la piel y el cabello

Una de las grandes misiones en el mundo de la belleza y del universo cosmético en general es, además de retrasar los signos del envejecimiento visibles en el rostro, la estimulación natural del crecimiento del cabello y suavizar o eliminar brotes, rojeces, acné y un sinfín de problemas y afecciones derivados de la piel y el pelo. Y para ello, existen productos naturales que puedes probar, porque podrían ser muy…


así es la Inteligencia Artificial de Google capaz de generar música a partir de instrucciones escritas

Google ha revelado su propia inteligencia artificial que puede generar música de alta fidelidad a partir de descripciones de texto, siendo capaz de reproducir una gran variedad de audios y melodías. Según se detalla en un artículo académico, MusicLM se entrenó utilizando un conjunto de datos de 280,000 horas de música para que aprendiera a generar canciones coherentes a descripciones con una “complejidad significativa“, por ejemplo, solicitándole una “banda sonora…


5 Healthy Diet Plans To Shed Those Extra Kilos

NOT EVERY weight-loss diet we practice is categorized as healthy, such as crash dieting. Crash dieting is a low calorie diet that helps you lose weight in a short period of time. However, this weight-loss diet is often temporary and not sustainable. From the General Motors diet to the seven- day juice diet, the majority of the ‘best weight loss diet plans’ are crash diets. These diets help you lose weight…


Naturopath or natural healer — Features — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News

A man’s body consists of so many systems. There is the blood network. There are the lungs. There is the nervous system. There is the brain. But these systems are neither understood nor appreciated by the generality of men. The field of medicine is one of the very few ways in which men attempt to deal with the disease. And there are so many branches of healing, and there are…


Estos son los remedios caseros más efectivos para los párpados caídos y los resultados te sorprenderán | Salud | La Revista

La medicina natural, esa que siempre fue la favorita de los abuelos y que consiste en el uso de hierbas y plantas, promete curar o minimizar tanto como se pueda a cualquier enfermedad por más pequeña que sea como los párpados caídos. Este defecto estético resulta incómodo para millones, ya sea por la flacidez del párpado o porque dificulte la visión, además puede ser causado por el envejecimiento, enfermedades como…


Why you need to take this workplace stress test

Has your work been stressing you out? Is it leading to symptoms like irritability and disturbed sleep? Will it impact your health in the long run? You will find your answers in a colour-coded, 16-question tool that has been developed by researchers from the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurological Sciences (NIMHANS). It measures work stress and helps employers build a conducive work environment. Not only that, the questionnaire…