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Cold and Flu Med Shortage for Kids: What Parents Can Do

Share on PinterestMore children are being sickened by RSV and flu this year than in recent years. PeopleImages/Getty Images The FDA and manufacturers are reporting shortages of key medications for children this holiday season. Flu and RSV has spiked in young children this winter. Experts say there are steps parents can take to help young children even if they have difficulty finding medication at drugstores. ​As the holiday season has…


Té de jengibre para bajar el colesterol y regular la presión arterial: así se prepara

El colesterol es una sustancia cerosa presente en la sangre y que el cuerpo necesita para formar células sanas. Se trata de un tipo de grasa indispensable para la vida, que ayuda a dar estabilidad a las membranas de las células; a sintetizar la vitamina D y es imprescindible en la producción de la bilis, necesaria para digerir los alimentos. Sin embargo, cuando sus niveles se elevan demasiado, puede resultar…


360 DigiTech : Announcement – Full Exercise of the Over-allotment Option – Form 6-K

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Hong Kong Stock Exchange “) and Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this…


This beef stroganoff recipe comes with dairy-free options

Instant Pot Beef Stroganoff Active time:20 mins Total time:45 mins Servings:6 to 8 Active time:20 mins Total time:45 mins Servings:6 to 8 Comment on this story Comment When someone tells me they have a healthier version of a favorite comfort food, I’m often a little skeptical. Aren’t you? In her latest cookbook, “Healthy in a Hurry,” Danielle Walker offers plenty of gluten-, grain- and dairy-free options in more than 150…


6 Home Remedies to Cure an Upset Stomach

You may have had too many seasonal sweets or too much to eat, and you may need to find a quick way to rebound and recover from an upset stomach. The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to pop some Tums or take medicine to feel better. In fact, there are quite a few natural remedies for stomach aches. For more health tips, check out signs you are…


Descubre las razas de perro que mejor pueden disminuir tu estrés

Actualmente, la sociedad en la que vivimos prácticamente nos obliga a tener el estrés por las nubes. Por eso es muy importante que seamos capaces de detectar que nuestros niveles de estrés están por encima de los recomendados y pongamos solución. Algunas personas optan por terapias como el yoga, el deporte, el pilates, etc. Pero cada vez son más los que acuden a una mascota para aliviar su malestar. Los…


Cómo cortar la regla para tener relaciones con ibuprofeno

La menstruación o periodo menstrual es uno proceso totalmente natural para las mujeres, este si bien usualmente es regular y ocurre cada ciertos días del mes en algunas ocasiones puede atrasarse, adelantarse o bien interrumpirse con la toma de algunos medicamentos. Entre ellos se dice que el ibuprofeno puede interrumpirla, aquí te mostramos si se puede cortar la regla para tener relaciones con ibuprofeno. La menstruación o periodo menstrual genera…


How to Increase Female Libido Instantly

Image courtesy Canva Pro Having a low libido can be such a downer for women. You already have to deal with so many stressors in life, the last thing you want is to add to the pile with a decrease in libido. This desire to have sex is what helps you connect with your partner during those intimate moments, but if you don’t have that desire then how do you…


Lesser known Christmas traditions in India, you might want to know!

Christmas tree near fireplace in decorated living room Christmas is not just about wearing red clothes and decorating Xmas trees. There are a few Christmas traditions that you might not be aware of and want to practice this year along with your friends and family. Christmas is around the corner, and you have the zeal to celebrate this festival of joy? For the ones who have already planned their Christmas…


Four Features That I Must Insist Every Video Game Includes

I’ve played a lot of games in my lifetimes. I say ‘lifetimes’ because I have lived many different lives, all of which have been incredibly uneventful and have mostly revolved around playing different games. Features are what make a game. Many people are saying this. If you talk to any game developer and ask them, “What makes up a video game?”, they will tell you, “Features.” Go on, ask any…