– Page 43 – Tu Vida, vivela al natural | Your Life, Live it Naturally Vida y Salud Natural | Remedios Naturales | Remedios Caseros
  • PM urges all to exercise austerity
  • ¿Quién no puede tomar aloe vera?
  • Reva Keto ACV Gummies Canada Scam Or Legit Shark Tank Exposed
  • Este 2 de febrero 2023, Día Mundial de los Humedales
  • Knowing your cholesterol level can be a crucial factor in overall health

Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods Review

We would almost be unable to survive without the gifts of Mother Nature. Science has so far documented many of the plants that nature has brought to our planet. A recent expert pointed out that we ignore the many plants and foods with medicinal properties that are right in front of us despite having easy access to them. During the Great Depression, there were many people who relied on these…


FCA urges LDI stress-testing in the face of rising buffer costs – Law & Regulation

The FCA’s appeal, which was published on December 8 by the Work and Pensions Committee among the latest contributions to its inquiry into the autumn LDI crisis, follows calls from regulators to maintain improved liquidity buffers. Sterling-denominated LDI funds across Europe have now secured an average yield buffer of around 300bp to 400bp, according to the Central Bank of Ireland and Luxembourg’s Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. This buffer…


Este es el antibitico natural y los cuatro remedios caseros contra gripes y catarros

La gripe ha llegado antes de tiempo. As lo asegura la Organizacin Mundial de la Salud (OMS), que ha advertido del “inicio temprano” de la epidemia de esta enfermedad en Europa, en un contexto donde todava seguimos lidiando con la pandemia. “Estos virus tendrn un alto impacto en nuestras poblaciones este invierno”, ha sealado el director de OMS-Europa, Hans Kluge, recordando lo importante que es la vacunacin para los grupos…


Buddhist Voices in the Climate Crisis: RAINING – A Meditation to Harness the Energy of our Difficult Feelings

Earlier this year I was asked to contribute to BDG’s conference on Buddhist Responses to Climate Change. I said yes quite readily, thinking I was well enough equipped for the topic. I have written about climate change in my book Bringing Mindfulness to Life (PlaySpace Publications 2022), run workshops and retreats as a “Work That Reconnects” facilitator, and so on. But when it came to putting down some concrete ideas,…


Trucos para aumentar la testosterona de manera natural

La testosterona es la principal hormona sexual masculina, sin embargo las mujeres también tienen pequeñas cantidades. Es una hormona esteroide, producida en los testículos de los hombres y en los ovarios de las mujeres. No solo se produce en los órganos sexuales sino que las glándulas suprarrenales también producen pequeñas cantidades. Durante la pubertad de los niños, la testosterona es uno de los principales impulsores de los cambios físicos, como…


5 Home remedies for spider bites to get rid of it

A spider will occasionally build a web in each of our houses. While lying down, a spider frequently climbs on the head, legs, or hands. Even if a little spider does not appear to be dangerous, watery granules form if it bites you or the liquid it exudes gets on your skin. Furthermore, these rashes can cause pain and damage to the skin. This may require medical attention. However, there…


Este superalimento frena en seco los resfriados y la gripe

El frio se hacia de rogar y creíamos que esquivaríamos los resfriados y la gripe. Pero nada más lejos que la realidad: han llegado por la puerta grande (y con las bajas temperaturas). Los constante cambios de tiempo tampoco ayudan, y los virus proliferan y provocan infecciones comunes. La nariz y la garganta son los principales damnificados de los catarros, que únicamente curan con el paso de los días. Hay…


Grammar for Exercise

Do you like to “work out?” What do you do to “warm up” for exercise? Do you enjoying walking, dancing, or running? In today’s Everyday Grammar, we will look at how we can express ways we exercise. You will learn about common phrasal verbs to describe our actions and gerunds for kinds of exercises. Let’s begin with phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs have a verb and either a preposition…


Homemade Protein Powder Recipe With Natural Ingredients For Weight Loss (Recipe Inside)

Do you loathe the taste of milk and can have it only if it’s flavoured with other ingredients? We often end up adding store-bought protein powders that do lend their nutritional value but also add artificial flavouring agents and preservatives. Protein powder, in general, is a great addition to our diet since protein is essential for various functions of the body. Be it weight loss, bone health, immunity or boosting…


Simple Home Remedies for Heartburn Relief

Home remedies for heartburn have been around for ages. Everybody uses them as a preventive measure after heavy meals or as a cure for indigestion, heartburn, or stomach ache. Contrary to its name, heartburn has nothing to do with your heart. It’s a burning sensation in your chest caused by stomach acid backing up into your esophagus, the 10-inch tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. Heartburn can last…