– Page 35 – Tu Vida, vivela al natural | Your Life, Live it Naturally Vida y Salud Natural | Remedios Naturales | Remedios Caseros
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Essential oils: What are their benefits and how to use them

Knowing how to use essential oils is key to getting the most out of them, whether you’ve heard that they are powerful natural anxiety remedies (opens in new tab) or soothing sleep aids. The attraction of using essential oils to improve our health and wellbeing is obvious: they’re inexpensive, natural and we have access to them from home. Aromatherapy is one of few tried-and-tested natural ways to help you fall…


Does stress actually cause gray hair?

Comment on this story Comment Q. What causes our hair to gray? Is my hair more likely to gray if I’m stressed? A. Many things can cause our hair to gray, including genetics and stress. In humans, the purpose and function of hair are debatable, unlike in animals. Hair does, however, serve as an aesthetic tool and a means of nonverbal communication. The style and color of our hair can…


Cenas navideñas | Los mejores remedios caseros para evitar el dolor de cabeza

19/12/2022 Act. a las 11:38 CET Las resacas post comidas y cenas navideñas dejan un fuerte dolor de cabeza. Descubre cuales son los mejores remedios caseros Las resacas post comidas y cenas navideñas dejan un fuerte dolor de cabeza. Descubre cuales son los mejores remedios caseros. Las cenas navideñas son un habitual escenario de excesos con el alcohol, que desembocan al día siguiente en notables síntomas de malestar físico. Uno…


The Five Freebies of Wellness and Where Hotel Tech Fits In

One core thesis we have for the future of hotels is that wellness as a profit center will come to equal or exceed rooms revenue. So, what can your hotel do to start up a wellness vertical that continuously improves upon itself with a healthy rate of return? We’ve closely examined the mountains of nutritional, pharmaceutical, psychological, exercise, sleep, meditation and longevity science to see what programs will work for…


Encuentran una nueva forma de medir la glucosa

Un estudio del Instituto Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Ulsan (Corea del Sur) ha dado a conocer una nueva vía para medir los niveles de azúcar en sangre (BGL) sin necesidad de extraerla. Se trata de una técnica revolucionaria y no invasiva para medir los niveles de glucosa en sangre, mediante un sensor de glucosa basado en ondas electromagnéticas (EM) que se inserta bajo la piel. Sus hallazgos, publicados…


7 bad breath remedies | Features Local

At the risk of sounding like your dentist, I have to reiterate that dental care is an important part of maintaining good hygiene. Brushing and flossing your teeth promote a healthy smile and help keep bad breath at bay — bad breath results from food particles left in the mouth after improperly cleaning your teeth. If you did the breath test against the palm of your hand and realised it’s…


Té de cebolla: ¿Cómo prepararlo para limpiar los riñones? – Recetas – Vida

Los riñones son uno de los órganos más importantes de nuestro cuerpo, ya que se encargan de filtrar las toxinas de la sangre y de eliminar los desechos que no necesitamos por medio de la orina. Para que tengan un buen funcionamiento es necesario mantener un equilibrio de los electrolitos y otros nutrientes esenciales. Los malos hábitos de las personas como: beber alcohol en exceso o la mala nutrición, pueden…


Cómo aumentar el apetito – 7 pasos

La falta de apetito puede causar que padezcamos de insuficiencia nutricional y que nuestro cuerpo se sienta más cansado y menos vital debido a la falta de vitaminas y nutrientes. Es importante llevar a cabo una dieta equilibrada, saludable y energética para que nos sintamos en buenas condiciones tanto físicas como mentales. Si te cuesta sentir las ganas de comer, seguramente es porque tienes unos hábitos de vida que provocan…


Healthy recipe swaps for the holidays and beyond

Looking for ways to prevent weight gain and eat healthier this holiday season? Look no further than Veterans often ask me for “better recipes” or “a cookbook.” Some feel the recipes they use at home are no longer useful now that they are trying to make healthier food choices. And we do have some wonderful cookbooks to share with them. Click on the links and scroll halfway down the…


Why Honey Has Become The New Go-To Cough Remedy

If you’ve had a sick kid in the last few years, you’ve likely been told that, instead of rushing out to to buy cough syrup, you should stock up on honey instead. Though it sounds like a natural remedy from a book your great grandmother would have turned to (or something from a fairy tale), in fact, honey has become the recommended treatment for kid coughs. But why does honey…