– Page 26 – Tu Vida, vivela al natural | Your Life, Live it Naturally Vida y Salud Natural | Remedios Naturales | Remedios Caseros
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Structure/function claim concerns in dietary supplements

Nothing evokes fear in a dietary supplement manufacturer, marketer or risk manager quite like the “s” word and the “f” word. Even with Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and FDA guidance, dietary supplement “structure/function” claims have long been shrouded in uncertainty, limiting their utilization by companies hoping to validate and differentiate their products. A structure/function claim is a statement that commonly appears on the label of a dietary supplement about how…


Remedios caseros: 4 exfoliantes naturales que dejarán tu piel radiante | trucos | life hacks | salud | nndamn | RESPUESTAS

Hoy en día, las personas toman más conciencia sobre el cuidado de la piel, ya sea aplicándose bloqueador solar, usando sombreros, evitando exponerse al sol por mucho tiempo y, principalmente, manteniendo hidratado diversas zonas del cuerpo. Sobre este último hablaremos en la siguiente nota, en la que brindaremos 4 exfoliantes naturales con el objetivo de eliminar las células muertas sin necesidad de recurrir a costosos productos. MIRA TAMBIÉN | Consejos…


Can Herbal Supplements Cause Heart Arrhythmias?

Herbal supplements seem like a natural health boost, but could they put your health at risk? Cardiologists nationwide report an increase in heart arrhythmias – also known as an irregular heartbeat – in people under 30 who are taking certain common herbal supplements like fish oil. So is it time to shelve your go-to supplements or are they safe to take? Moulin Chokshi, MD, an electrophysiologist with the Hartford HealthCare…


Dutch Bros Secret Menu for 2023

If you thought Starbucks was the only coffee conglomerate with a secret menu, then have another cuppa joe and think again. Dutch Bros—a popular drive-thru coffee chain with more than 700 locations throughout the U.S.—may be known for their café, but they’ve also got a covert menu that’s off-the-beaten-order. And it may just put Starbucks to shame. When it comes to the Dutch Bros Secret Menu, each drink item is more delicious than…


¿Qué son las hemorroides? Consejos para reducir el dolor

Las hemorroides afectan directamente al día a día de las personas que la sufren. Desde no poder sentarse adecuadamente, sentir un infierno cada vez que se acude al baño, o notar la molestia de las prendas de ropa, lo cierto es que el dolor que provocan muchas veces se hace casi insoportable. Esta enfermedad se produce por una inflamación o hinchazón de las venas que se sitúan alrededor del ano,…


Beating the stress: Experts offer advice on mental health during the holiday, winter season | News

For some, this particular time of year is filled with happy occasions and reasons to celebrate. For others, the season is less than joyful. Laura Click, LCSW, Director of Behavioral Health Services at White House Clinic, said the added stress around the holidays can be hard to manage. “The holidays can be a time that is full of joy, but also full of other emotions and experiences that can be…


7 Apple Watch apps I can’t live without

I’m always trying to make the most of my Apple Watch. I’ve found the best way to leverage everything the Apple Watch can do is to try out third-party apps that cater to my interests and needs. While it’s true that I’ve used some Apple Watch apps only once before forgetting them, there are others I use on a daily basis. Whether they’re for working out, navigating the city or…


Colon irritable: alimentos que sirven para desinflamarlo – Salud

Son múltiples las causas que le pueden ocasionar molestias en su colon, entre las que está loa enfermedad de Crohn, úlceras, colitis, infecciones, entre otras. Así, los médicos pueden recomendar dietas especiales que pueden ayudar a tratar el síndrome de intestino irritable, mejorando su alimentación. Según un artículo publicado por el National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases de Estados Unidos (en español, Instituto Nacional de Diabetes y…


Home remedies for hangovers

A HANGOVER is a symptoms of excessive intake of alcohol that are typically noticed the morning after a heavy drinking night. Hangover symptoms include fast heartbeat, anxiety, bodily pain, headache, nausea, stomach discomfort, and vomiting. There is no one cure for a hangover, but relieving the symptoms might help you recover. Consider the following home treatments to help relieve hangover symptoms. Eat Breakfast A powerful hangover therapy is food, which…