Two recent studies added to evidence about how ultra-processed foods may affect health. One found an increased risk of colorectal cancer for men in the top fifth of ultra-processed diets in the US. Hundreds of studies have linked processed foods to health risks including cancer, obesity, and early death. The latest evidence against ultra-processed foods — a category that includes hot dogs, potato chips, and frozen pizza — shows that…
Cinco remedios caseros para eliminar todo tipo de manchas
Ahórrate un viaje a la droguería con estos trucos para acabar con manchas difíciles En ocasiones, los remedios de toda la vida son más eficaces que cualquier producto comprado Getty Images/iStockphoto Cuando nos encontramos con alguna mancha en nuestra piel, en la ropa o incluso en algún mueble de nuestra casa, buscamos desesperadamente algún producto que nos ayude a eliminarlas de manera eficaz (y si es rápidamente mejor). Pero y…
23 indoor and outdoor events taking place in Greeley, Windsor, Loveland and around NoCo for the week of Sept. 10-16, 2022
While we may have bid so long to summer and delved into welcoming the fall season in with all its golden glory, that doesn’t mean the events and activities calendars are taking a break. This week’s Go+Do is jam packed with fun indoor and outdoor events that will entertain everyone in the family. From concerts and comedy shows to a groovy fundraiser for the Humane Society of Weld County and…
El mejor remedio para bajar la barriga y adelgazar… ¡UN JUGO INFALIBLE!!
Arranca junio y podría decirse que el verano ya está casi a la vuelta de la esquina. Si eres de los más previsores y pronto iniciarás la famosa ‘operación bikini‘ o sencillamente prefieres cuidarte tras meses de excesos tendrás que saber varias cosas. En primer lugar, que hidratarse es super importante. Tanto que beber agua es uno de los principales requisitos para perder peso y esto vale para cualquier época…
5 ways to regain sense of smell naturally after Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic reminded people what loss of smell or anosmia feels like. Ask those who’ve been through it, and you will know how frustrating it can get. It has undoubtedly been one of the most confusing yet common Covid-19 symptoms. If it is something you are going through, come let’s get some expert recommendation on how to regain sense of smell naturally. Health Shots reached out to Dr Piyush…
Kevin Smith: ‘‘Clerks III’ is more of a meditation on living’
It took filmmaker Kevin Smith almost 30 years to make “Clerks III,” which cost $7 million. Like his 1994 “Clerks,” this rendition is another snapshot of the filmmaker’s life. “[It] is dripping with authenticity because it was made by an earnest young filmmaker who dreamed about being considered a director, who literally worked in the same store where they shot the movie,” he says. “Clerks,” Smith’s first feature, was shot…
Jumping to conclusions not a healthy exercise
The greatest exercise most of us get is unrelated to athletic attempts to be healthy, but to our tendency to jump to conclusions about people based on how their speech, appearance, religion, politics or other characteristics fit intoour experience or knowledge. Among those basic experiences that can either help or harm us growing up is family finances, which often shape our perception about what we can or cannot achieve. The…
What Ayurveda says about the number of meals you should have in a day
What you eat is a crucial determinant of your well-being. But, it is equally important to be mindful of your meal frequency or the number of meals you eat in a day. It’s because this number is not the same for everyone, according to Ayurvedic expert Dr Dimple Jangda. Taking to Instagram, the expert shared the number of meals one should consume based on their health, according to Ayurveda. Take…
El aumento de casos de estrés prolongado impulsa el uso de psicofármacos
viernes 09 de septiembre de 2022 | 5:00hs. Según el último informe de la Confederación Farmacéutica Argentina, la situación de estrés prolongado que trajo aparejada la pandemia por Covid-19 generó un aumento en la demanda de psicofármacos. Sumado esto a la mayor detección de patologías de la salud mental: ansiedad, depresión o falta de sueño son algunas consecuencias detectadas en la consulta con los profesionales de la salud. En esa…
Ensalada de garbanzos, receta tan fácil como sana y rápida
Con esta ensalada de garbanzos, tenemos la receta ideal para llevar en el táper o para dejar la comida hecha con antelación y no complicarnos mucho en la cocina a la vuelta. Este tipo de recetas de ensaladas de verano son perfectas para nuestro menú semanal, tanto por lo fáciles que nos resultan de elaborar, como por el tipo de ingredientes, frescos y de origen vegetal, que contienen pues podemos…