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  • PM urges all to exercise austerity
  • ¿Quién no puede tomar aloe vera?
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More physical exercise and less screen time linked to better executive function in toddlers

ANI | Updated: Sep 29, 2022 22:03 IST Illinois [US], September 29 (ANI): A new study explored whether adherence to American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines for diet and physical activity had any relationship with toddlers’ ability to remember, plan, pay attention, shift between tasks and regulate their own thoughts and behaviour, a suite of skills known as executive function.As reported in The Journal of Pediatrics, the study found that 24-month-old…


Natural remedies to reverse PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) There is a kind of disorder in women due to hormonal imbalance. There is currently no concrete cure for it. But many times people resort to hormonal drugs to reduce its symptoms. Some experts recommend to manage PCOS naturally instead of taking this medicine.What happens if you have PCOS? According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, PCOS can cause irregular periods, unwanted hair growth, acne, infertility and weight…


¿Qué pasa si duermo con aloe vera en la cara?

Como tantos otros remedios caseros que existen en la vida, el aloe vera es uno de los que más años lleva entre nosotros. Entre los beneficios que este puede tener para el ser humano, el cuidado de la piel es una de las razones por la que los expertos aconsejan el uso de este ingrediente natural en nuestra rutina diaria. Sin embargo, no debes confiarte y pensar que el gel…


How to live longer: Dr Mosley shares exercise and fasting can boost longevity

While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution that can guarantee longevity, Doctor Mosley has suggested a few “simple” tweaks that have been “proven to hold back the clock”. Just like with staving off most health conditions, it all starts with taking good care of your body. You might be fed up with hearing about how a healthy diet and exercise are key to a healthy life, but these two practices are truly…


How to stop panic attacks? Here are 5 ways to deal with it

Mental health issues are spreading like a forest fire among people. You can blame it on an unhealthy lifestyle but that’s not always the case. Not speaking up about your condition makes your mental health issue worse. Once the problem spirals out of control, it becomes tough to tackle it. You must be aware of panic attacks, which may seem really challenging to cope with. It can almost make you…


El consumo de comidas sanas y el control del estrés podrían evitar enfermedades del corazón

29/09/2022 – 01:18 Santiago Como cada 29 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial del Corazón, con la finalidad de concientizar a toda la población sobre la prevención y tratamiento oportuno de las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV). Impulsado desde la Federación Mundial del Corazón, las actividades se desarrollan con el lema “Usa tu corazón para ayudar a otros corazones”, haciendo referencia a actuar a través de acciones para cada persona, sus…


12 Home Remedies for a Yeast Infection: Which Work Best?

Home remedies for yeast infections include probiotics with Lactobacillus or fermented foods like miso. Boric acid suppositories can also help you get rid of a yeast infection at home. Some unsafe home remedies to avoid include garlic, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil. Roughly three out of four women experience a yeast infection in their lifetime, making it a common — but no less irritating — predicament.  It should be…


Estos son los cuidados básicos que necesita tu rosal en tu patio o jardín. ¡Toma nota!

Si hay una planta típica y muy querida por los amantes de la jardinería, esa es, sin duda, el rosal. Esta bonita planta aromática no solo desprende una fragancia natural súper apetecible en tu patio o jardín, sino que llena de alegría tu zona exterior gracias a los tonos intensos de sus coloridas flores. Basta con leer bien la etiqueta del nombre de la variedad y ver cómo plantar rosas…


How exercising now could benefit your future grandchildren

Exercising now is good for you. But could it also be good for your future children and grandchildren? A provocative new study says it might be. The findings, based on research in mice, suggest that the exercise we do today etches itself into our cells in ways that can be passed to later generations. In the study, exercise by female mice before and during pregnancy influenced the health of their…


Agua de canela para controlar el colesterol alto: así se prepara

La canela es una especia de sabor dulce que se extrae del árbol de canelo o Cinnamomum, específicamente de su corteza, y se emplea como ingrediente para la elaboración de diversas preparaciones gastronómicas. Asimismo, es un producto al que se le atribuye una serie de propiedades beneficiosas para el organismo. Según la Fundación Española de Nutrición, la canela aporta nutrientes y destaca por su contenido de minerales como calcio, hierro,…