Muse Reviews – Should You Choose Muse Headband For Focus And Sleep?

Although it has been practised for as long as history records, meditation has only recently received widespread attention. This method entails mental training and thought rerouting in a positive direction. Some people find that meditation also helps with concentration and stress reduction.

From a scientific perspective, it has been shown that this practice not only lessens stress and increases focus, but also fosters emotional well-being, self-awareness, lowers the risk of age-related memory loss, inspires kindness from within, aids in pain management and overcoming some addictions, enhances sleep, and lowers blood pressure. This wide range of effects is a result of meditation’s overall accessibility.

Would you believe us if we told you that one team has succeeded in developing a system that elevates meditation to a completely new level? InteraXon has upped the ante by giving users access to data insights. Not sure how data can be of any use? Here is all the information you need to know about Muse™ and how the accessibility of data has increased the device’s usefulness in modern society.

What is Muse™?

Muse™ is a meditation and brain-sensing headband powered by electroencephalogram (EEG) that purports to use real-time biofeedback to assist people in refocusing during the day and recovering overnight.InteraXon, the headband’s developers, have received praise for creating a practical tool with potent technology, the capacity to track and measure progress, the provision of over 500 guided meditations to users, and going above and beyond in terms of providing sleep data.

In fact, this team conducted a Muse™ customer study in April 2021, and the results showed that 77% of users felt they could handle stress better, 78% reported feeling calmer, 72% reported having better focus and clarity, and 71% felt they could manage their emotions better. The apparent simplicity of the design conceals every technological and neurological aspect that needs to be explored. We will proceed in this direction next.

How does Muse™ work?

Muse™ uses biofeedback to encourage relaxation and sleep . Using a technique called biofeedback, people are taught how to regulate automatic bodily processes like heart rate, muscle tension, breathing, perspiration, skin temperature, blood pressure, and brain waves. Controlling any of these processes might, among other things, help to improve a health condition, ease chronic pain, or lessen stress.

Within each Muse™ headband, there are 7 calibrated EEG sensors (i.e., two located on the forehead, two behind the ears and reference sensors) that aim to detect and measure heart rate, body activity and movement. People using Muse™ will be exposed to calming natural sounds that are thought to change said activity in real-time. The InteraXon team is steadfast that this headband’s ability to use physiological data should not be undervalued because it gives users more understanding of their bodies. This can then be used to predict changes fairly accurately in one’s own emotions, behaviour, and emotional and cognitive states (i.e., meditation, focus, hypnagogic states, brain performance, cognitive fatigue and more).

To get the most out of this strategic approach, Muse™ is held to connect to one’s mobile device via Bluetooth. The Muse: Meditation & Sleep app must be downloaded before users can connect. The rest consists of donning headphones and sitting through one session per day. Individuals can review their results after finishing each session, and over time, they will be able to monitor their progress. Now that the Muse™ foundation has been extensively covered, our editorial team believes users will benefit from understanding the various features that distinguish this headband from others.

What features does Muse™ have?

The majority of people who begin practising meditation may be unfamiliar with the concept of gathering data in real-time using a biofeedback technique. We are frequently advised to listen to calming sounds, but we hardly ever observe what happens throughout our bodies. It is the latter that gives Muse™ a significant edge over its rivals. Having said that, InteraXon has made things fairly simple with Muse™, limiting any doubts or concerns during each session. The following are the key features that make Muse™ a user-friendly headband:

Interactable Technology

Muse™ is a research-grade brain tool that passively records brain signals, as should be clear by this point. The fact that this headband has sophisticated technology but is still lightweight and fully rechargeable is what makes it so alluring. Additionally, it has a detachable Muse™ S (Gen 2) pod with a 10-hour continuous battery life for both daytime and nighttime wear.

Accelerated Learning

Muse™’s tracking functionality is a game-changer because it enables users to examine a number of graphs and charts in the Muse: Meditation & Sleep app. This important information is intended to inspire people to take steps to better their overall health and themselves. The app rewards users with points, challenges, goals, and bonuses to work toward in order to make sure everyone is moving in the right direction. To put it another way, as sessions go on, people will earn points and will learn more about each person’s body, allowing them to set new goals.

A Database of Resources for Meditation

More than 500 guided meditations by highly regarded meditation instructors on topics like sleep, performance, stress reduction, happiness, neuroscience, and habits, to name a few, can be found inside the Muse™: Meditation & Sleep app. The resources in this app are not universally applicable, which is something our editorial team appreciates. Instead, the creators chose to present a number of distinctive strategies that might aid in making people calmer, more focused, and simply capable of sleeping at night.

Digital Pills for Sleep, Personalized Sleep Score & More

In relation to sleep, Muse™’s digital sleeping pills (DSP) are a unique element that deserves analysis. This is especially beneficial for those whose minds are active throughout the day and occasionally well into the night. The Muse™ DSP is promoted as a responsive sleep environment wherein, should users awaken in the middle of the night, the brain is signalled to go back to sleep.

On the topic of sleep progress, a personalized sleep score will also be computed based on the total number of hours slept, time spent in each sleep stage and the number of interruptions experienced each night. Individuals will also have a sense of the total quantity and intensity of their deep sleep with the available Deep Sleep Points. Similarly, the Position Tracking component is reckoned to optimize sleep based on whether individuals are back, side, or front sleepers.

Advanced Reporting (Beta)

After every session, people have the option to sign up for the Muse™ advanced email reports, which provide more in-depth explanations of the immediately noticeable effects of meditation and sleep. If people aren’t interested in this aspect, information on variations in slow-wave delta-wave activity representing the breadth of deep sleep attained, will be available.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the technical specifications for Muse™?

The technical specifications are likely to vary depending on the type of Muse™ available (i.e., Muse, Muse S (Gen 1), or Muse S (Gen 2)). For instance, the second-generation model has the following main specifications:

●    Size range: 48-63cm

●    Wireless Connection: Bluetooth 4.2

●    Charging Port: Micro-USB

●    Battery: Rechargeable lithium ion

●    Charging Time: 3 hours

●    Usage Time: 10 hours or 12 one-hour sessions

●    EEG Channels: 4 with 2 amplified aux channels

●    Weight: 41g

●    Materials: Band (80% Rayon, 14% Nylon, 6% Spandex), Pod (Polycarbonate plastic, magnets, and glue)

Why meditate with Muse™?

Muse™ is essential for the experience because meditation is difficult to begin with. According to the InteraXon team, this headband enables users to quickly learn the art of meditation while developing a great fondness for the practice. As a result, people may experience a marked difference in their stress levels, ability to calm down, and capacity to increase mental clarity when needed. These outcomes are considered attainable after only four weeks of using Muse™. Above anything else, Muse encourages people to build healthy habits, and all it takes are headband and data analytics.

What sets Muse™ apart from other meditation apps?

Muse™ is distinctive because it is a training tool that provides feedback to users to help them comprehend how the body changes with each successful session. In actuality, this is the first time a tool for meditators has ever been made available that accurately collected real-time feedback. Conventional meditation apps simply offer sounds and guided meditation. Although they are helpful, they do not necessarily provide education.

Is Muse™ a medically certified device?

No, Muse™ is not a certified medical device. However, it has been tested and certified for safety in accordance with Canadian, USA, and European regulatory standards (FCC, UL, TUV, CE).

What electrode channels does Muse™ uses?

Muse™ uses frontal and temporal electrodes, where the former rests on the forehead and the latter rests behind the ears.

Is Muse™ a one-size-fits-all headband?

No, Muse™ is not a one-size-fits-all headband, however, it is completely adjustable and should fit most adult heads. That said, individuals can choose between three headbands, each one housing unique dimensions as seen below:

●    Muse 2: 30 to 35cm

●    Muse 2 (Gen 1): 52 to 62cm

●    Muse 2 (Gen 2): 46 t0 63cm

What are the steps to assembling the Muse S (Gen 2) pod to the band?

To ensure stability within the band, hooks are affixed to the connector side of the pod on the Muse S (Gen 2). In addition to providing stability, the hooks ensure that the electrical connection between the band and the pod is maintained throughout sleep sessions. People must make sure they are clicking the hooks during assembly to prevent gaps.

Will the Muse™ headband eventually show signs of wear and tear?

Due to the fact that the Muse S headband is made of fabric, it will eventually show signs of wear.

How do I wear Muse™?

Before using the device, users are advised to charge it completely after attaching the Muse S pod to the Muse S headband. A clicking sound should typically be audible to verify that the pod is in the proper position. The Muse™ logo must be right-side up before actually putting it on. The strap must then be put on, lengthened as necessary, and the magnetic clasp at the neck is fastened. Fortunately, the creator has since posted a video online demonstrating these steps. To watch it in action, click here !

Is it okay to wear glasses while using Muse™?

Yes, Muse™ can be used without causing any interference to your prescription glasses or other eyewear because of how the device was designed.

Is Muse™ safe for children?

It might not be a good idea to use Muse™ on kids because it was made with adults in mind. However, because biometric data is particularly sensitive, the InteraXon team only advises those who are 16 years of age or older to use the device.

Is Muse™ safe for the visually impaired?

Yes, since Muse™ is an audio experience, those who are visually impaired can also benefit from this device.

What devices are compatible with Muse™?

Muse™ is designed to be used with Apple devices using operating system 13.0 or higher and Android devices on operating systems 8.0 or higher. At the time of writing, the team cannot confirm compatibility with any HUAWEI phone or tablet.

Why are there gaps in the data?

Data gaps typically happen when the Muse™ headband is unable to maintain constant signal quality (i.e., due to loss of contact between skin and the sensors or movement that shifts Muse™ from its ideal position) or when there has been a Bluetooth disconnection. Finally, if users don’t fully charge the device before using it, gaps could occur while they are asleep.

When are replacement bands automatically provided?

The replacement bands are only part of the Muse™ membership. People are therefore urged to get in touch with customer support to ask for a replacement. If the team decides it is too soon to accept replacements, they have the right to refuse. Before asking for a replacement, there should be obvious signs of wear and tear. Usually, this doesn’t happen until 12 months of regular use. The ideal point of contact is submitting a contact form here.

Where does Muse™ ship?

Muse™ ships to most countries except for Afghanistan, APO/FPO/DPO locations, Belarus, Brazil, Burma/Myanmar, Cote d’Ivoire, China, Cuba, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Guam, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Liberia, Mexico, North Cyprus, North Korea, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Russia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine, and Zimbabwe.

Is there a warranty for Muse™?

For a year following the date of purchase, InteraXon warrants Muse™ to be free of manufacturing and material flaws when used normally. This warranty does not apply to damage resulting from negligence, abuse, misuse, accidents, unauthorized repairs, modifications, or other factors unrelated to defects in the materials or the workmanship.

Is Muse™ protected by a money-back guarantee?

Yes, Muse™ is covered by a 30-day money-back guarantee. Customers can get a full refund of their purchase price by contacting customer service if they’re unhappy with the outcomes they got from using this device. Since customer satisfaction is always a top priority for this team, they have agreed to pay for the required return shipping costs, for locations within the United States and Canada.

How much does Muse™ cost?

Muse™ is a subscription-based service, so there will be a monthly fee. Every membership comes with the Muse™ S (Gen 2) Headband, over 500 guided meditations, access to audiobooks and music players, free band replacements, advanced reporting, and membership pricing incentives (typically offering discounts for renewals, hardcase and accessories). All things considered, here are the plans currently available:

●    3-Month Muse™ Membership: $49.99 monthly (or pay $150 upfront)

●    12-Month Muse™ Membership: $31.99 monthly (or pay $384 upfront)

●    24-Month Muse™ Membership: $19.99 monthly (or pay $480 upfront)

Meet the Creators: InteraXon

InteraXon, a late-stage venture company with its headquarters in Toronto, Canada, works in the field of neurotechnology, dealing with, among other things, hardware and software for the brain and biosensor platform, data-cloud infrastructure, and B2B products. This team is in fact commended for their dedication to advancing research and development activities, which laid the groundwork for their patents in the areas of the brain, biosignal, VR, and AR. Their accomplishments include:

●    Exposure to over 500,000 users and counting

●    Availability of the Muse™: Meditation & Sleep app in English, Spanish, French and German

●    Over 100 million minutes, making Muse™ one of the largest brain data collections in the world

●    Use by research institutions such as The Mayo Clinic, NASA, Harvard, MIT, University of Toronto, UCL, UCSD, Inria, University of Victoria, University of British Columbia, and many more

●    Muse™ has since been published in more than 200 studies with the intention of improving quality of life while lowering stress and fatigue in cancer patients

Final Verdict

Muse™ is a meditation and sleep headband designed to assist individuals in mastering the art of meditation. Meditation is not an easy task, so people will naturally turn to apps to help them. However, this is where the similarities between traditional meditation techniques and Muse™ end. The beauty of this device is its data analytics component, which elevates meditation to a whole new level. We say this because people can now see how each session went, what needs to be improved, and everyone can set SMART goals as a result.

When it comes to providing data, InteraXon went into great detail, whether it be through the database of more than 500 guided meditations aimed at particular health issues, digital sleep aids, deep sleep points, position tracking, and every imaginable factor that affects one’s capacity for meditation and sound sleep. How can anyone fail to notice the interest shown by various research institutions, the application compatibility, or the flexibility of membership payments? It’s also important to note that research on the use of Muse™ on a global scale has been published, which is reassuring.

For these reasons, we see value in giving Muse™ a try. As always, individuals with any concerns should consult a healthcare professional before making any changes to their existing routines. To find out more about Muse™, visit here! >>>


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