High stress levels during COVID pandemic has left everyone frazzled

Under lingering strain of the coronavirus and its variants, yoga and meditation emerge as tools to combat anxiety, stress.

Over recent months, there’s been an increase in patients seeking emergency care and delays in people getting a bed when they’ve been admitted to the hospital. Everyone seems especially stressed out, from the EMS providers, to the emergency department and hospital staff, to the patients themselves who are understandably upset and frustrated.

Jenny came to the emergency department (ED) with complaints of crampy abdominal pain, nausea and occasional vomiting. I asked her my usual questions for a patient with symptoms like hers, including if she could be pregnant. She said there was no chance because she recently had a child and was using birth control. She seemed anxious and said she was tired that no one could tell her what was going on.

Jenny had been seen in the ED a few times before her visit with me with similar symptoms. Her prior workups had not found any abnormalities. Jenny had followed up with her family physician, who also had not been able to get to the bottom of her symptoms and referred her to see a gastroenterologist. She called to schedule that appointment and they could not get her scheduled for more than two months.

Jenny’s abdomen was very tender when I examined her and she winced in pain when I touched her right lower quadrant. Worried it might be her appendix, I ordered labs and a CT scan.

Dr. Erika Kube

The nurse put an IV in Jenny, got her blood work sent to the lab, and gave her medications for pain and nausea. She completed her CT scan afterward. When I went in to discuss her results, she looked much calmer and said she was feeling better. Her CT scan, thankfully, didn’t show any sign of appendicitis or other abnormality. Her workup was essentially normal again. When I told her that, she became tearful and was quite upset that we did not find something.

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