Follow These 5 Natural Home Remedies To Get Relief From Sinus Infection


Sinus patients should avoid dust, soil and smoke.
Detox bath flushes out the toxins present in the body and gives relief from sinus.
Herbal tea is beneficial in sinus.

Home Remedies for Sinus Infection : Sinus infection is a disease that can cause problems at any age and can have a bad effect on health. This infection is usually caused by cold, pollution and allergies, but after suffering from it, one may have to deal with physical as well as mental problems, because patients suffering from sinus have fever, pain on both sides of the eyelids. Symptoms like swelling and stress can be seen on the face. There is always phlegm in the nose and throat of sinus patients and dust and smoke are harmful for the patients suffering from it. As the problem of sinus increases, serious diseases like asthma, asthma start taking place in the body, so you can adopt some home remedies to get rid of sinus infection.

Home Remedies to Get Relief from Sinus Infection

apple cider vinegar
According to StyleCrazy.comTo get relief from sinus infection, drink vinegar mixed with water or gargle twice a day, as the anti-bacterial and antifungal properties present in it balance the pH in the nasal sinuses and clear the accumulated mucus. The symptoms of allergy are also reduced by drinking it.

apply coconut oil on face
Apply melted coconut oil around your mouth as a mouthwash for about 5 minutes and wash your mouth with lukewarm water. Repeat this daily till the sinus problem gets relief.

use honey
Consumption of honey reduces swelling of the nose and throat, which can occur during sinus infection. Honey contains anti-microbial agents to fight bacteria and viruses. Drinking honey twice a day can prove to be beneficial.

take a detox bath
While taking a bath, fill warm water in your bath tub, add 1 cup of Epsom salt, half a cup of baking soda, 6 to 8 drops of tea tree oil and bathe with it daily for 15 to 20 minutes. Anti bacterial agents present in it can be helpful in getting rid of sinus by removing all the toxins from your body.

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Tags: Health, Home Remedies, Lifestyle

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