Essential oils: What are their benefits and how to use them

Knowing how to use essential oils is key to getting the most out of them, whether you’ve heard that they are powerful natural anxiety remedies (opens in new tab) or soothing sleep aids.

The attraction of using essential oils to improve our health and wellbeing is obvious: they’re inexpensive, natural and we have access to them from home. Aromatherapy is one of few tried-and-tested natural ways to help you fall asleep (opens in new tab), and the application of certain oils is often suggested by natural health experts among their top tips for healthy hair (opens in new tab): we’ll cover both of these uses below. The great news is, essential oils are far more versatile than that, which means you often get great value for money. Aromatherapist and expert advisor to Tisserand Aromatherapy (opens in new tab), Jo Kellett (opens in new tab) says: “Essential oils are composed of many different chemical molecules that have varying therapeutic properties. Some, as you may know, help with sleep and others reduce anxiety. But aromatherapy can help with so many other complaints. I see clients who present with mental health concerns as well as physical issues such as IBS, menstrual imbalance, muscular aches and pains… the list goes on!”

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