Two natural ingredients to avoid when cleaning mould – ‘isn’t enough to kill it!’

6 November, 2022

Cleaning mould from your property is hard to do using the wrong products, but it’s not just strong chemicals to watch out for. According to experts, some natural ingredients can also do more harm than good when it comes to tackling fungus spores around the house. Speaking exclusively to, Sarah Dempsey at revealed the two most common culprits to avoid. Products sold specifically for mould removal are highly…


Papa licuada para la gastritis: así se puede consumir

6 November, 2022

La gastritis es una de las afecciones más comunes en el abdomen. Es una patología que afecta la mucosa del estómago, produciendo su inflamación. Según la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), aproximadamente el 50 % de la población mundial ha padecido los síntomas de la gastritis. Esta afección puede durar un corto tiempo, meses o años. Dependiendo dicha duración se considera aguda o crónica. Esta puede ser causada por…


How to get rid of musty odours: Natural and effective ways to rid foul smells from homes

5 November, 2022

There’s nothing worse than musty odours, and as disgusting as they smell, it’s not good for you to breathe in either. There are several things that can cause a musty-smelling home, ranging to include something as mild as stale air in an older home that’s been closed for a while, to more serious issues, like mould in the walls. Mould or mildew in the walls is the most serious cause…


Ayurveda haircare tips: Ayurvedic remedies to care for your dry hair | Fashion Trends

5 November, 2022

Dry and lifeless hair doesn’t have to keep you up at night as haircare experts believe that for dry hair problems, there are straightforward Ayurveda remedies that are typically present in most homes. These ayurvedic remedies have been used for centuries and have been demonstrated to be useful beyond any reasonable doubt. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Vani Ahuja, Co-Founder and Director of NatureCode, revealed some of the Ayurvedic…


La fruta que ayuda a eliminar los parásitos intestinales: así se puede consumir

5 November, 2022

Un parásito intestinal es un organismo que vive dentro de otro organismo y se alimenta del lugar en el que es huésped. Estos se pueden encontrar en algunos alimentos, en el agua contaminada, en la picadura de un insecto, incluso, en el contacto sexual, según Medline Plus, sitio web de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de Estados Unidos. Asimismo, estos organismos pueden generar dolor abdominal, náuseas, diarrea y hasta desnutrición,…


3 Hair Loss, Thinning, and Breakage Cures That Are Cheap, Easy, and Effective

4 November, 2022

I’m just gonna say it: Hair loss S-T-I-N-K-S. While shedding a few strands here and there is natural, hair loss can be exacerbated by all kinds of conditions, from stress and menopause, to diet and illness. For me, hair loss, thinning, and breakage went from natural to worrisome in my mid-forties. That’s when I entered perimenopause, that ever-so-fun phase of female life that — as any woman who’s been through…


Té de orégano para aliviar malestares estomacales y eliminar parásitos: ¿cómo prepararlo?

4 November, 2022

El estómago es un órgano que cumple con tres funciones: almacenar la comida deglutida, mezclarla con los ácidos gástricos y luego enviarla hacia el intestino delgado. De esta manera, inicia la digestión de los nutrientes obtenidos a partir de los alimentos. No obstante, también puede ser escenario de una amplia variedad de síntomas y enfermedades. Por ejemplo, los males estomacales más populares son la indigestión y la acidez. De acuerdo…


Effective Ayurvedic remedies to cure stuffy nose, nasal congestion, painful sinusitis

4 November, 2022

With the nip in the air announcing the arrival of winter, it’s time you take care of your health as a stuffy nose, nasal congestion, and painful sinusitis can give you a lot of trouble, especially with an increase in smog. While there are an array of nasal inhalers in the market, what better than some good ol’ Ayurvedic remedies that can help you treat these issues with some simple…


Oración a San Martín de Porres para hoy 3 de noviembre

4 November, 2022

Este 3 de noviembre se celebra a San Martín de Porres, considerado uno de los santos más importantes de América en el santoral de la iglesia católica, de donde es originario. El motivo de la celebración de San Martín de Porres en este día, se debe a que es la fecha de su muerte, la cual fue tomada al momento de su canonización. Lo curioso es que su culto se…


Fact Check-Dietary supplement bill would not let FDA ‘ban’ supplements, herbs

3 November, 2022

A proposed bill that calls for dietary supplement manufacturers to list their products with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is being misconstrued online by users who claim it will give the FDA new power to approve or ban supplements. The FDA can take action to remove dangerous or illegal supplements from the market, but it cannot approve or ban products before they are marketed. Examples can be seen…