As Economic Concerns Rise, Executives Are Reporting Record-High Stress—And Defaulting To Old Office Habits

20 October, 2022

Future Forum’s latest report, which surveyed more than 10,000 workers during August, found that overall work satisfaction scores dropped 15% for executives, who also reported work-life balance scores that were 20% worse and work-related stress and anxiety scores that were 40% higher. getty For months, the pandemic has driven an upswing in burnout among workers, focused attention on employees’ mental health concerns and fueled a wave of departures known as…


Notables stress the need for the people of the region to unite to thwart Turkey’s colonial plans – ANHA | HAWARNEWS

18 October, 2022

The people of NE Syria have been subjected to continues attacks since the beginning of the outbreak of the crisis in the country, starting from the attacks of the hegemonic powers through their mercenary in the region, to the direct intervention of the Turkish occupation state. The occupation state has continued to target the regions of north and east Syria, since its direct intervention through its army in the Syrian…


Madres de la pospandemia: la mujer ‘multitarea’ y el riesgo del estrés crónico

17 October, 2022

El “síndrome de burnout” es un término que se usa desde hace tiempo. E implica un extendido nivel de estrés que termina cronificándose y causa un estado de agotamiento físico y mental que termina impactando sobre la calidad de vida. Esta situación psicológica solía estar exclusivamente asociada con las exigencias del mundo laboral, pero en los últimos tiempos, y especialmente durante el aislamiento y la pandemia, el burnout parece haberse…


Gift your pet babies a stress-free Diwali

16 October, 2022

Are you all set to celebrate Diwali in a grand manner after the two year hiatus? Diwali 2022 is bound to be a glorious affair with all the works – gorgeous clothes, hobnobbing with friends and family and of course, fireworks. We’re sure you’re on top of the game, but what about your pet? For most pet parents, Diwali can be an exhausting affair with their pet’s anxiety levels soaring through…


El 75% de los trabajadores de la salud del estado presentaron estrés en el año 2020

15 October, 2022

El 75 por ciento de los trabajadores de la salud del estado tuvieron síntomas de estrés en el último estudio realizado en el año 2020, es decir, tres de cada 10 padecieron de una salud mental irregular. En ese sentido, la mañana de este viernes se realizó la conferencia “¿Quién cuida a quien nos cuida?”, por parte del psicólogo José Juan Pérez, director del Centro de Atención Primaria en Adicciones…


How to Leverage Stress to Grow and Why the Grindset May be Holding You Back

14 October, 2022

During my 16-year career in the NFL and college football, we worked seven days per week during the season. Many coaches wore this as a badge of honor. But by the end of the season, they were exhausted, overweight, and yearning for a day off. And just like clockwork, after the last game, they’d get sick when they finally slowed down. Although, as coaches and support staff, we wanted our…


El ejercicio neutraliza los efectos del estrs

13 October, 2022

—A nivel cerebral, existe una disciplina deportiva, o intensidad de ejercicio que sea mejor? —El ejercicio, para que tenga efectos en la salud, debera ser intenso. Todo ejercicio aerbico que alcance intensidad, como caminar, nadar o andar en bicicleta, jugar al tenisu otros deportes con intensidad, seran efectivos. Lo importante es que cada individuo debe definir su capacidad y sus limitaciones para ver cul es el volumen de actividad fsica…


Nature walks can relieve stress

12 October, 2022

Science is showing how immersion in nature can speed healing and act as an antidote for many ailments. Last year I participated in a nature walk. I was able to stop and take a different look at the trees around me. I listened to the sounds and wondered at the sights. It was truly refreshing. Nature can provide you with relief from the stress of a major life transition. The…


En Ibero Puebla alertan sobre el creciente estrés laboral

11 October, 2022

Tres de cada cuatro trabajadores mexicanos están estresados; hombres de entre 18 y 30 años son los más propensos. Las principales causas se relacionan con presión por parte de superiores, falta de estabilidad y asuntos financieros. En 2021, el 50 por ciento del mercado laboral era informal; en Puebla, el 66%. Cuatro de cada diez mujeres se encuentran en pobreza laboral, lo que las priva de adquirir la canasta básica…