Lawsuit Accuses Walmart and CVS of Equating Homeopathic Treatments With Real Medicine

4 October, 2022

Image by Getty Images/Futurism A federal court has revived a lawsuit against Walmart and CVS for allegedly passing off long-discredited homeopathic treatments as actual, proven medicine. A three-judge panel in the District of Columbia’s Superior Court is set to look into why the newly-revived suit, filed by an anti-pseudoscience nonprofit called the Center for Inquiry (CFI) and which charges the retail giants of misleading consumers into equating homeopathy and government-approved medicine….


Cómo conseguir unas pestañas más fuertes y sanas | El Día de Zamora

4 October, 2022

Siempre se ha dicho que unas pestañas largas y espesas son la mejor forma de hacer destacar la mirada. Son la diferencia entre un maquillaje sutil y uno potente, entre una mirada cansada y una deslumbrante. Al mismo tiempo, cumplen una función muy importante: protegen los ojos y evitan que puedan dañarse por la entrada de alguna partícula externa. Por todos estos motivos, es evidente por qué cuidar y mimar…


El “gurú de la longevidad” nos da las claves de la dieta que frena el Alzheimer

4 October, 2022

En los últimos años se ha puesto muy de moda el ayuno intermitente, un tipo de alimentación que consiste en no comer nada durante un periodo prolongado de tiempo. De forma natural, solemos restringir la ingesta de alimentos en la franja horaria que va de la cena al desayuno del día siguiente. En el caso del ayuno intermitente, se amplían las horas de no ingesta durante 12,14, 16 o18 horas….


Ryan Lee Wong on the Intersection of Writing, Meditating, and Community ‹ Literary Hub

4 October, 2022

I moved to Ancestral Heart Zen Temple in January 2020 to live a Buddhist monastic life of meditation, work, silence, and community. Most of my friends and family placed this decision somewhere between eccentric and foolish. A few were upset with me for leaving, for doing something so different from what they’d known and expected and even invested in me to do. Two months later, most of the world was…


4 essential tips to avoid financial stress this holiday season

4 October, 2022

While the holidays are a great time for most, they can have us getting a bit carried away with our spending. Average holiday spending per person is expected to reach $1,802 (opens in new tab) this year, and with rising prices due to inflation (opens in new tab), you’ll have to be careful in order to make the most of this money. Because of this, it’s important to be strategic…


Best Natural ADHD Supplements for Adults, Top Natural Remedies for ADHD | Ask The Experts

4 October, 2022

  The most commonly prescribed ADHD medications include amphetamines, atomoxetine and methylphenidate. These are stimulants and are usually sold under the brand names such as; Adderall, Vyvanse, Concerta and Focalin XR. All medications are prescription only and cannot be purchased over the counter or online without a doctor’s prescription. In this article, we are going to look at some natural ADHD supplements and alternatives to stimulants you may want to…


La hierba para eliminar los cálculos renales y combatir los hongos en la piel

3 October, 2022

Una dieta poco saludable, el exceso de peso corporal, algunas afecciones médicas y ciertos suplementos y medicamentos son las causas que provocan los cálculos renales en el organismo. De acuerdo con Mayo Clinic, entidad sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a la práctica clínica, la educación y la investigación, esta afección hace referencia a los depósitos duros hechos de minerales y sales que se forman dentro de los riñones. Como tal,…


“Khao soi”, la sopa de “las abuelas” tailandesas que conquistó al mundo

3 October, 2022

El plato, originario de la región norte del país y cuya antigüedad exacta se desconoce, consiste en un caldo de leche de coco con pollo en el que se combinaron numerosas influencias culinarias, entre ellas las chinas e indias. Foto: Nicole Protonentis / Redacción EFE “El ‘khao Soi’ es una mezcla completa de sabores que es una combinación de Tailandia y muchas otras naciones del Sudeste Asiático”, con elementos de…


The pros and cons for women

3 October, 2022

One of the most common beliefs on fasted cardio is that by exercising on an empty stomach, you’re more likely to burn fat. This is, theoretically, true. A meta-analysis of 273 people compared fasted cardio to ‘fed’ cardio and found that those who did fasted cardio burned more fat, but as mentioned in our fasted cardio guide, this is purely an acute effect. In other words, you may burn more…


Exipure Clicks Reviews: Tropical Loophole Advanced Weight Loss Formula

3 October, 2022

Exipure Clicks: A supplement that provides instant weight loss to the userBeing overweight is a health disease that makes the body unhealthy. About 13% of the population is suffering from being overweight. A hectic schedule doesn’t allow the person to get a healthy body. Day to day life has many ups and downs, which gives no time for our health. Today, millions of people are finding different ways to lose…