5 Home Remedies for Your Dog That Can’t Stop Itching

17 October, 2022

Dogs are sensitive creatures and may develop skin issues as they get older or due to their specific breed. When dogs get dry skin, it can cause them to itch excessively which can break the skin and cause further infection. For most itches, there are a handful of home remedies that can work wonders for your dog. Some may require vet approval, but are easy to administer in the home…


Look to exercise to extend life, even for the oldest, study says

17 October, 2022

By Sandee LaMotte, CNN     (CNN) — Physical activity guidelines for older adults stress doing at least two days of strength training and 2½ hours of moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activity each week. Yet many people downplay muscle strengthening, relying on the heart-pumping benefits of aerobic exercise. That would be a mistake, a new study found. Independent of aerobic physical activity, adults over 65 who did strength training two to six times…


ACEITE REJUVENECEDOR MERCADONA | El aceite de Mercadona que elimina las arrugas del rostro y lo rejuvenece

17 October, 2022

Como lucir más joven reduciendo las arrugas en el rostro, basta con aplicar este remedio natural en lugar de las cremas habituales. Luchar contra el tiempo nunca es fácil, observamos los signos de los años en el cuerpo e intentamos en lo posible retrasar su aparición. Pero contra la naturaleza poco podemos hacer, es una lucha desigual, sin embargo, mantenerse joven y tener una piel bonita es posible. Sólo hay…


Madres de la pospandemia: la mujer ‘multitarea’ y el riesgo del estrés crónico

17 October, 2022

El “síndrome de burnout” es un término que se usa desde hace tiempo. E implica un extendido nivel de estrés que termina cronificándose y causa un estado de agotamiento físico y mental que termina impactando sobre la calidad de vida. Esta situación psicológica solía estar exclusivamente asociada con las exigencias del mundo laboral, pero en los últimos tiempos, y especialmente durante el aislamiento y la pandemia, el burnout parece haberse…


Los 9 sencillos consejos que te ayudarán a adelgazar hasta 5 kilos en una semana

17 October, 2022

¿Cómo adelgazar cinco kilos en una semana sin efecto rebote? Constancia, hábitos saludables y ejercicio son la base de cualquier dieta eficaz. Existen, en paralelo, diferentes métodos y guías para alcanzar estos objetivos. Fiona Kirk, es una afamada nutricionista británica famosa por elaborar una dieta sabrosa que permite adelgazar 5 kg a la semana. Publicó muchas variaciones del menú en su libro ‘2 Weeks in the Fast Lane‘ donde asegura…


Child Massacre Exposes Weaknesses In Society – OpEd – Eurasia Review

17 October, 2022

By Kalinga Seneviratne The massacre of 37 people, 26 of whom were preschool children taking an afternoon nap in their day-care centre, in a remote north-eastern township of Thailand on October 7 has shocked the nation, with many social media postings calling for the extrajudicial killing of those involved in the drug trade and gun running. Many medical experts have also raised the issue of the weakness of the Thai…


Diwali 2022: Festive skincare tips to protect your from stress and strain

17 October, 2022

While the festive period is full of enjoyment and fantastic celebrations, stress is a part and parcel of the game. Even while dressing up to celebrate the holidays is pleasant, stress, pollution, cosmetics, heat styling machines and more can leave side effects on skin. This Diwali season, try these festive skincare tips for before and after the celebrations. With just a few days left before the celebrations, know how to…


Remedios naturales que ayudan a combatir la hepatitis

17 October, 2022

Las hepatitis virales representan una elevada carga de enfermedad y mortalidad a nivel mundial, según señala la Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Como tal, esta enfermedad hace referencia a la inflamación del hígado y puede ser una infección aguda, es decir, a corto plazo, o una infección crónica. Existen diferentes tipos de hepatitis, por ejemplo, la hepatitis viral es la más común y es causada por uno de los varios…


The Morning Beverage Doctors Say You Should Have Every Day If You Struggle With Chronic Inflammation

16 October, 2022

From coffee to cups of orange juice, many of us have a beloved morning beverage we sip on with our breakfast. Whether it’s because you need caffeine to take on the day or just love the ritual of drinking the same thing each and every morning, there’s a certain comfort in the act. However, the way you start your day can make or break your overall health, so choosing the…


Is running cardio? | Live Science

16 October, 2022

It can certainly feel like your heart might beat out of your chest during a session, but is running cardio exercise? We know it’s important to aim for a range of cardio, strength, and flexibility exercises across an average week, but sometimes it’s hard to know which sports and activities fall into which category.  Around 50 million Americans are fans of running, jogging or run-walking, and if you’re aiming to…