AKG as a nutritional supplement to enhance health and exercise performance

24 October, 2022

The vascular smooth muscle AKG/OXGR1 signaling pathway regulates skeletal muscle vasodilation, fiber type, and metabolism. Credit: Life Metabolism (2022). DOI: 10.1093/lifemeta/loac026 Skeletal muscle is the largest metabolic organ in the body. It is composed of muscle fibers, blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. In skeletal muscle, blood vessels are responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients and metabolic wastes, which is very important in muscle development, hypertrophy and metabolic regulation. Based on…


El remedio casero para eliminar los callos y durezas de los pies: así se prepara

24 October, 2022

La piel es el órgano externo más grande del cuerpo humano y su función principal es proteger el organismo de factores como las bacterias, los químicos y la temperatura, es decir, todos los agentes externos que podrían afectarlo. En consecuencia, la piel se expone continuamente a sufrir heridas, irritaciones y todo tipo de reacciones cuando se expone a algún elemento de esta naturaleza. Una de las más comunes y molestas…


Tips to Address Stress in Kids and…

24 October, 2022

Stress: How Much is Too Much? Stress is a normal response to challenges, especially with a new year upon us. When we are under stress, our heart rate quickens, our muscles feel tense, and our breathing speeds up. These changes are caused by stress chemicals that give us alertness and energy to deal with danger or other problems. However, stress that is intense or long lasting can be toxic, especially…


Carol Vorderman reveals the secrets behind her incredible figure at 61

24 October, 2022

CAROL Vorderman is arguably in the best shape of her life and regularly wows her fans with snaps showing off her famous curves. The 61-year-old isn’t afraid to flaunt her figure which is unsurprising given how much hard work she puts into looking good. 4 Carol has shared the secrets of her age-defying figureCredit: Instagram Former Countdown host Carol has shared the secrets behind her age-defying looks, from gruelling exercises…


Penn State Student Affairs To Host ‘Love Your Body Week’ Beginning October 24

24 October, 2022

Four units of Penn State Student Affairs — the Gender Equity Center, Campus Recreation, Health Promotion and Wellness, and the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity — are collaborating to host “Love Your Body Week” from October 24 to 28. The week will feature programs dedicated to promoting a healthy body image through education, awareness, reflection, and self-love. The week will be open to all Penn State students, staff, faculty,…


5 Effective Home Remedies For Quick Relief From Cold And Flu

24 October, 2022

AMID weather changes, winter is approaching. Winter season makes us experience regular runny noses, sneezing and scratchy throats. It becomes quite challenging to concentrate on our favorite activities when our nose is blocked and runny, cough, sneezing, and itchy throat are some symptoms that come along with it. Common colds and coughs are still frequently treated with some effective home remedies without any side effects. Read below some magical home…


Cuáles son los beneficios del té de manzanilla, según expertos

24 October, 2022

La manzanilla tiene propiedades antiespasmódicas (Foto: Canva) El té de manzanilla está compuesto por una flor que tiene múltiples beneficios para la salud, pues es una hierba que se ha utilizado como remedio para diferentes afecciones desde la antigüedad. La manzanilla es originaria de Europa y Asia. Suele crecer hasta un metro de altura en climas cálidos, semicálidos o templados. La planta de manzanilla tiene flores con un olor acre…


5 home remedies to help prevent split ends

23 October, 2022

5 home remedies to help prevent split ends Oct 23, 2022, 06:24 pm 2 min read These natural homemade remedies will reduce split ends and make your hair healthy Split ends occur when your hair lacks adequate moisture or nourishment. Excessive use of chemicals or styling tools like hair curlers and straighteners can lead to split ends. Exposure to pollution, heat, and dust can also take away the moisture from…


La receta prohibida por la que el Rey Carlos III ama más la comida italiana que la inglesa

23 October, 2022

Lleva carne, vegetales y un cereal. Hagan sus apuestas. ¿Cuál será ese plato que vuelve loco al nuevo rey de Inglaterra? Por:  Redacción MUI KITCHEN 23 de octubre 2022 · 14:59 hs Carlos de Inglaterra, hoy ya rey Carlos III de Inglaterra, es un hombre que disfruta con la comida. Darren McGrady, antiguo chef de la casa real británica, asegura que Carlos es un amante de la gastronomía y que…


Afraid to join an exercise class? Our fitness expert explains what you need to succeed

23 October, 2022

How to prepare for your first fitness class Lifelong habits start early. Some studies show that global warming may limit outdoor activity in children, which can lead to obesity. To combat less than healthy lifestyles, you need to create new routines. Taking an exercise class is an excellent way to break the cycle and put yourself on a path to better overall health and fitness. However, if you’ve never been…