How to help teens can avoid diet culture this holiday season

20 November, 2022

Editor’s Note: Katie Hurley, author of “No More Mean Girls: The Secret to Raising Strong, Confident and Compassionate Girls,” is a child and adolescent psychotherapist in Los Angeles. She specializes in work with tweens, teens and young adults. CNN  —  “I have a couple of spots for anyone who wants to lose 20 pounds by the holidays! No diets, exercise, or cravings!” Ads for dieting and exercise programs like this…


Evinature’s CEO Apan Amos Damri On Providing Evidence-Based Natural Remedies to Patients with IBD, Crohn’s, and Colitis | Market Analysis

20 November, 2022

Source: Evinature, approved to use Gastroenterological diseases are some of the most common health issues that patients face worldwide. From IBD, and Crohn’s, to Colitis, In fact, about 20 million people suffer from digestive issues in the United States alone, and about 40% of the entire global population is facing a myriad of digestive issues. We had the chance to interview Apan Amos Damri, Co-Founder and CEO of Evinature, a…


Nicolás Eyzaguirre: “En un futuro cercano, las economías de la región estarán bajo estrés” | ENTREVISTA | Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo | ECONOMIA

20 November, 2022

LEE TAMBIÉN: Midragi: Hoy se firma contrato para la entrega de 44 mil toneladas de urea —¿Cómo describiría el momento económico de la región? Es un momento difícil. Tenemos herencias, tanto de la crisis del 2008 como de la crisis de la pandemia que han implicado que se vea una apertura de las brechas sociales en educación, ingresos y otros. Además, ya muchos países han hecho uso del espacio fiscal,…


Children of promise: Meditation for Sunday next before advent/Christ the King | The Guardian Nigeria News

20 November, 2022

The Sunday next before Advent is the last Sunday of the liturgical year, which has been celebrated as the Feast of Christ the King. “Children of Promise” are neither “promised children”, nor “children that have God’s promise,” but those who are children, not by mere fleshly descent, as was Ishmael, but by promise, as was Isaac: children of the Jerusalem above, belonging to it by virtue of God’s promise, even…


La particular mezcla con bicarbonato que te ayudará a eliminar las cañas del cabello

20 November, 2022

El bicarbonato es uno de los ingredientes que puedes utilizar para eliminar las canas de una forma muy sencilla 20 de noviembre 2022 · 01:11 hs El bicarbonato de sodio es un ingrediente natural que puede servir para muchas cosas en nuestro día a día. Entre sus usos para la estética corporal, está la función de eliminar las canas de tu cabello. Solos nos hará falta este medicamento y agua,…


Pale Skin: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

20 November, 2022

Pale skin can be caused by a variety of factors, including sun damage, ageing, and certain medical conditions. A lot of people are affected by it. Fortunately, some effective remedies can help you deal with pale skin and improve your appearance. Read on to learn more about the causes and prevention of pale skin and how to deal with it effectively. Table of Contents Pale Skin Symptoms That Should Raise An…


If you’re a cyclist, Garmin’s new exercise bike looks better than a Peloton

19 November, 2022

Garmin has released the Garmin Tacx Neo Bike Plus and it’s an improvement on its Tacx Neo Bike. The new version adds more adjustable features, a realistic road feel, a free Zwift trial, and over 150 more follow-along workout videos than its predecessor. However, the price is incredibly high, making this a bike for dedicated cycling fiends rather than spin-class aficionados.  The Garmin Tacx range is Garmin’s indoor cycling label,…


La cocina peruana, mucho más que ceviche y pisco sour

19 November, 2022

Cuzco (Perú), 19 nov (EFE).- Siete chefs de diferentes regiones de Perú se reunieron en la picantería Cusqueñísima de la ciudad peruana de Cuzco para demostrar al mundo que su cocina nacional va mucho más allá del famoso ceviche y el cocktail pisco sour. Con una mirada atrás a las múltiples raíces peruanas, especialmente las cuzqueñas, los cocineros presentaron recetas tradicionales que han rescatado y salvado del olvido para ofrecerlas…


La increíble fórmula con vinagre de manzana que te ayudará a aliviar dolores en la rodilla

19 November, 2022

En personas de cualquier edad se puede presentar el dolor de rodilla, un padecimiento que frecuentemente inicia como una molestia leve y luego puede empeorar si no se trata de la manera indicada. Por:  Redacción MUI KITCHEN 19 de noviembre 2022 · 12:34 hs Los remedios naturales ayudan a fortalecer los ligamentos y los cartílagos.Dicha dolencia puede ser resultado de una lesión, como una ruptura de ligamento o un desgarro…


Kerassentials Reviews – Toenail Fungus Oil Ingredients Risk

19 November, 2022

Fungal infections have become increasingly common today. It is because people don’t consume a balanced diet that is rich in all nutrients. With the consumption of unhealthy food items, bacteria growth in your body is also impacted. To tackle this fungal growth, you need to follow a healthy diet that can fight infections. However, not everybody has time to focus on their health all the time. People lead such busy…