¿Cómo descongestionar la nariz de un niño? Estas son algunas alternativas

27 November, 2022

La congestión nasal se da cuando la membrana que cubre la parte interna de la nariz se inflama por virus, bacterias o alérgenos. Esta inflamación bloquea los orificios nasales y obstruye el paso del aire. Es en estos casos cuando se nos “tapa la nariz”, dificultándonos respirar, cambiando nuestra voz y haciendo que estemos constantemente con la garganta seca. Por todo esto junto, la congestión nasal es uno de los…


Disfruta el partido de España vs Alemania con esta receta para hacer unos ricos pretzels

27 November, 2022

Al calor de la fiebre mundialista, la verdad es que nuestros estómagos también se predisponen a probar que la botanita, que los chescos, que los aderezos y todo lo que se nos ocurra comer a la hora de ver el partido de nuestros países favoritos, como España y Alemania, un par de países, que tienen su porra y afición bastante fuerte al menos en el caso del primer país, donde…


Here are some Ayurvedic remedies for skin rashes

27 November, 2022

Ayurveda has a lot of natural remedies for various health problems. Skin health, especially, could benefit from natural ingredients for healing. Skin rashes are a common occurrence for various reasons — and they can cause itching, burning, and various other forms of distress. “Allergy occurs when the body reacts negatively to a substance that may have entered the system by the air, food, or touch,” Dr Dimple Jangda, the founder…


Love, meaning and the art of being thankful for things that matter

27 November, 2022

This is Thanksgiving weekend and I want to think about that with you. Day after day, the media never lets us forget how many things we have to be scared and angry about. No matter what I say to you today, these things will not be going away. But meanwhile, what do we have to be thankful for? Remember, I have no idea what’s going on in any of your lives, what burdens…


Meditation as medication for anxiety disorders

27 November, 2022

In the first head-to-head comparison, mindfulness meditation was as effective as a standard medication for treating anxiety disorders. The findings of a US study published in JAMA Psychiatry included 276 patients, average age 33 years, who were randomly assigned to either mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) or escitalopram, a medication used to treat depression and generalised anxiety disorders. MBSR included weekly two and a half hour classes for eight weeks, a…


La miel para la curación de heridas • La Nación

27 November, 2022

Por: Juan Manuel Reyes Artunduaga Enfermero jefe Candidato a máster en Nutrición Clínica en Enfermería Desde que soy adolescente recuerdo como mi mamá me enseñó a curar heridas y como esta señora que amo tanto en mi vida siendo enfermera empírica me brindó herramientas para enamorarme de ellas y sanarlas. En esos tiempos solo teníamos disponible vaselina, furacin, sulfaplata; entre otros, remedios caseros que hacían que los tiempos de curación…


4 Natural Remedies for Winter Joint Pain

27 November, 2022

The cold weather can do a number on your body — from drying out skin to causing seasonal allergy flare-ups. Another way the chilly temperature may cause discomfort is by increasing the level of pain in your joints. How? As the weather continues to cool, it can thicken lubricating fluid in joints, triggering aches and stiffness for 81 percent of women. And while NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen promise speedy…


Time to eat less and exercise more – Lake County Record-Bee

26 November, 2022

I was jazzed when I lost 50 pounds. Now after 20 months of watching my food and my weight, I’m creeping up. Instead of 50, I’ve lost 43. Ugh. My doctor said that I hit my plateau (at 46). But I’m still creeping. Up. My doctor said I need to eat less and exercise more. I can’t eat any less or else I’d be on an air diet. And my…


Leche de Higo para Verrugas Genitales. Mira Cómo Usarla

26 November, 2022

El virus del papiloma humano es una enfermedad que se contagia sexualmente. Se manifiesta por la aparición de verrugas en los genitales y en el ano, tanto en mujeres como en hombres. Existen tratamientos caseros para combatirlas, y entre los remedios naturales, uno de los más eficaces es la leche de higo combinada con diferentes ingredientes. ¿Por qué la leche de higo sirve para las verrugas? La higuera es un…


Almost 500 primary school students receive free, healthy meals daily 

26 November, 2022

Views: 79 Posted: Saturday, November 26, 2022. 8:58 am CST. By Zoila Palma Gonzalez: Through the collaboration of the Governments of Belize and Mexico and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 488 primary school students are receiving a free, healthy meal daily as school feeding programs get underway in Belize. Over the last year, the ‘Resilient School Feeding’ sub-project of the Mexico-CARICOM-FAO initiative “Cooperation…