How to Increase Female Libido Instantly

6 December, 2022

Image courtesy Canva Pro Having a low libido can be such a downer for women. You already have to deal with so many stressors in life, the last thing you want is to add to the pile with a decrease in libido. This desire to have sex is what helps you connect with your partner during those intimate moments, but if you don’t have that desire then how do you…


Lesser known Christmas traditions in India, you might want to know!

6 December, 2022

Christmas tree near fireplace in decorated living room Christmas is not just about wearing red clothes and decorating Xmas trees. There are a few Christmas traditions that you might not be aware of and want to practice this year along with your friends and family. Christmas is around the corner, and you have the zeal to celebrate this festival of joy? For the ones who have already planned their Christmas…


Four Features That I Must Insist Every Video Game Includes

6 December, 2022

I’ve played a lot of games in my lifetimes. I say ‘lifetimes’ because I have lived many different lives, all of which have been incredibly uneventful and have mostly revolved around playing different games. Features are what make a game. Many people are saying this. If you talk to any game developer and ask them, “What makes up a video game?”, they will tell you, “Features.” Go on, ask any…


‘Any Exercise Is Better Than No Exercise’ to Potentially Improve Mental Health in Patients With Kidney Cancer

5 December, 2022

Patients with kidney cancer who reported being physically active in the last month were less likely to report poor mental and physical health status compared to those who were not active, according to recent study results. Dr. Daniel S. Roberson, lead author on the study and a urology resident at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, explained that not only can cancer only affect the organ or system where the…


Este hábito ayuda a evitar que tomes pastillas para dormir

5 December, 2022

De acuerdo con Infosalus, Linda Ernstsen, profesora asociada del Departamento de Salud Pública y Enfermería de la Universidad Noruega de Ciencia y Tecnología (NTNU) ha señalado: “Hemos observado que las personas que están en mejor condición física tienen un menor riesgo de tomar pastillas para dormir recetadas”. Los resultados del estudio aparecen en la revista ‘Mayo Clinic Proceedings’ y se desprenden de una revisión de datos de los participantes de…


Foro Cusqueñísima: esfuerzo, trabajo y unión para conservar la tradición gastronómica más milenaria del país | PROVECHO

5 December, 2022

Somos la gran despensa alimentaria del planeta, una potencia gastronómica que cosecha premios incluso en los rincones más remotos del mundo. Sin embargo, mientras usted lee estas líneas, es probable que alguna antigua receta de nuestras regiones esté en peligro de desaparecer. Tal y como pasa con las lenguas, que son organismos vivos que nacen y mueren (y cuya desaparición conlleva la extinción de culturas enteras), cada plato de comida…


How to effectively remove hair, grease and soap scum from drains with two cleaning items

5 December, 2022

When households experience a blocked drain, their first port of call may be to use strong chemicals and thick bleach products. However, there are plenty of natural remedies to use to fix them. Unblocking sinks doesn’t have to cost a fortune and in most cases, Britons can do the task themselves to avoid unnecessary call-out costs. spoke exclusively to three experts on how to naturally unblock clogged drains. According…


High stress levels during COVID pandemic has left everyone frazzled

5 December, 2022

Over recent months, there’s been an increase in patients seeking emergency care and delays in people getting a bed when they’ve been admitted to the hospital. Everyone seems especially stressed out, from the EMS providers, to the emergency department and hospital staff, to the patients themselves who are understandably upset and frustrated. Jenny came to the emergency department (ED) with complaints of crampy abdominal pain, nausea and occasional vomiting. I…


Plan en 3 pasos para aprender a dormir mejor

5 December, 2022

En plena era de las prisas, la multitarea, el boom de las plataformas audiovisuales y las redes sociales, no se le da al descanso la importancia que merece. Siempre hay algo nuevo que ver, algo más que hacer que retrasa la hora de irse a la cama. La consecuencia es que el insomnio y las horas de sueño que se cuentan con los dedos de una sola mano son cada…


Pokémon GO | Todos los detalles del Pokémon GO Tour 2023 con Groudon y Kyogre Primigenios

5 December, 2022

Es oficial, el Pokémon GO Tour 2023 tendrá a la región de Hoenn como destacada y Niantic ha confirmado la fecha para el evento, así como la ubicación de la edición presencial y el listado de novedades que nos encontraremos dentro del juego, con la llegada de Groudon y Kyogre Primigenios como lo más destacado. El Pokémon GO Tour 2023 tendrá lugar los días 25 y 26 de febrero, y…