El estrés que debes soltar para disfrutar de diciembre según tu signo

8 December, 2022

Estamos a nada de disfrutar las fiestas con los nuestros, las posadas ya iniciaron y en el ambiente se respira tanto nostalgia como felicidad. Diciembre es como todo, tiene su lado oscuro, porque echamos de menos a los que ya se fueron, pero también es la oportunidad para soltar todo eso que no te deja avanzar. Cierra el año con amor, te diré el estrés que debes soltar para disfrutar…


Ansiedad: un neurocientífico explica cómo erradicarla con trucos al alcance de todos

8 December, 2022

Ya sea por la pandemia o el cambio climático, por el estrés laboral o las presiones de la vida cotidiana, la sensación de ansiedad es algo que cada vez más gente padece. ¿Puede tratársela con buenos hábitos en lugar de pastillas? En “Deshacer la ansiedad”, Judson Brewer comparte ejercicios para lidiar con esta “epidemia”. (Getty Images) “La ansiedad está en todas partes. Siempre lo ha estado. Sin embargo, en los…


Can Meditation Help You Play Better in Online Poker? – European Gaming Industry News

8 December, 2022

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Whether you take it seriously or play online poker with friends as a way to kill time, everyone who has played will know it takes nerves of steel. No matter why you enjoy playing poker, you must enter each game with confidence and mental clarity to help you play better. You might want to understand how to control your emotions and keep composure when playing…


Why Muslims must reform themselves first before seeking to transform Islam

8 December, 2022

Why Muslims need to agree to reform themselves first. AFP There have been movements of reformation in all religions. Edicts and beliefs that are misogynous and contrary to human rights have been struck down and changes have been brought about by enacting laws. Even Islam has undergone many transformations over the years, although many Muslim women across the globe continue to be vocal about the need for far greater changes….


Acupuncture and herbs can be natural solution to pain, fertility issues and other ailments, practitioner says – Chicago Tribune

8 December, 2022

Business: Energy Flow Acupuncture & Wellness Center Address: 24W500 Maple Ave., Naperville Phone/website: 630-335-1069, www.energyflowhealth.com Owner: Amy Cohn Rieselman, 45, of Naperville Years in business: 6 What does your business do? “My focus is on women’s health, digestion and mental health. People come to me with a variety of concerns. Oftentimes, pain is the main complaint. … Internal health, internal medicine, digestive disorders, menstrual disorders, pregnancy. I have teens here…


los factores que inciden en su aparición

7 December, 2022

A la caspa se le conoce como una descamación excesiva del cuero cabelludo que provoca que pequeños restos de piel seca se desprendan y se dispersen dentro del cabello o caigan sobre los hombros o la ropa. Muchas veces esta molestia, que resulta antiestética, es difícil de controlar. Según el tipo de caspa, la descamación puede ir acompañada de picazón y aspecto aceitoso del cabello, pero sin signos clínicos de…


Hostile incident exercise successful – Sidney Daily News

7 December, 2022

An actor portraying an active shooter bangs on a classroom door during a hostile incident full-scale training exercise Tuesday at Lehman Catholic High School. Sidney Police Patrol Supervisor Sgt. Jeremy Lorenzo speaks during a meeting with students, staff and first responders after the hostile full-scale training exercise at Lehman Catholic High School was held Tuesday. A Sidney police officer escorts the actor who portrayed an active shooter out of the…


¿Es posible registrar una receta navideña innovadora bajo los derechos de autor?

7 December, 2022

Diego Alejandro Ospina Henao miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2022 Las maneras de poder generar una protección pueden ser desde el secreto industrial, como el caso de Coca Cola, o desde los derechos de autor Diciembre llega cargado de diferentes actividades recreativas para disfrutar de las festividades. Ver alumbrados, ir a parques, asistir a conciertos o cocinar una receta navideña son planes que los colombianos disfrutan hacer en estas fechas….


Get rid of acidity by following these 5 natural remedies

7 December, 2022

First Published Dec 7, 2022, 4:06 PM IST Acidity, which is also known as acid reflux, is a gastrointestinal complication in your health and has become very common among people, so here are some natural remedies to get rid of it.  Image: Getty Images Acidity, also known as acid reflux, is a gastrointestinal complication that has become one of the most common health issues. Acid reflux refers to the condition…


Experts Stress For Sustainable Transport To Cope With Spiking Risk Of Smog, Air Pollution

7 December, 2022

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 7th Dec, 2022 ) :The experts at a panel discussion said there was need of a stakeholder collaboration and engagement of the government and civil society to come up with sustainable transport systems across the country to cope with spiking up risk of smog and air pollution. This was stated by the experts at a jointly organized panel discussion by Institute of Urbanism…