Engaged Buddhism: Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena Announces Mahakaruna Diwas 2023 Celebration for Global Compassion

14 December, 2022

Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena. Image courtesy of MIMC The renowned spiritual leader and socially engaged Buddhist Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena has announced plans to celebrate Mahakaruna Diwas 2023 (great compassion day of celebration). The annual program, which begins on 7 January, will launch a series of events and initiatives in India and internationally aimed at sharing the Buddha’s timeless wisdom and teaching of compassion for the benefit of all beings.  “Although we…


ANSC September 2022 Update: Royal Hospital for Women

14 December, 2022

Contact details for RHW Email addressfor GP enquiries at RHW: SESLHD-RHWGPSCEnquiries@health.nsw.gov.au Antenatal Shared Care (ANSC) GP Liaison Midwife Chantelle du Boisee workdays are Monday and Tuesday 8.00am-6.00pm. (Please note these days have changed). Email – Chantelle.duBoisee@health.nsw.gov.au For Clinical GP Advice line call 0417 995 153 (Monday – Friday 8.00-4.30). The mobile phone will be answered by the liaison midwife or the senior in charge midwife. If you need to speak…


Can a combination of kiwi, cucumber, and baking soda help whiten teeth?

14 December, 2022

Many people turn to expensive treatments to whiten their teeth, but if content creator Armen Adamjan is to be believed then all you need to remove bad bacteria from your mouth and whiten your teeth is a simple yet powerful combination of kiwi, cucumber, and baking soda. Taking to Instagram, Adamjan shared a creative video in which he spoke about making a paste out of the three ingredients in a…


Cómo blanquear las juntas de los azulejos y dejarlos impecables – Revista Para Ti

13 December, 2022

Cal, grasa, moho… Son muchos los factores que pueden hacer que las juntas de los azulejos se vean descuidadas. La buena noticia es que existen alternativas caseras y naturales para dejarlas impecables. Acá te contamos cuáles son. Limpiar las juntas de los azulejos del baño o la cocina es una de las tareas de mantenimiento que debemos llevar a cabo con cierta frecuencia. Y es que esas diminutas ranuras son…


Study: Does more exercise, less sitting reduce diabetes risk?

13 December, 2022

One study is hoping to determine if moving throughout the day or taking one longer walking session works better in reducing the risk for Type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases. Photo: Getty Images. Next time you are in the midst of an epic, nearly motionless stretch of time — staring for hours at a computer, television or phone screen, for example — consider that you may be putting your…


opciones para convertirlas en la mejor guarnición para tu cena de Navidad o Año Nuevo

13 December, 2022

Las papas son ese ingrediente que nunca nos falla. Las amamos en todas sus presentaciones, desde papas cambray hasta puré de papa. Además de que son muy fáciles de cocinar, iempre son la mejor forma de acompañar cualquier comida. Puedes servirlas horneadas o hervidas y la puedes servir como guarnición con alguna proteína como carne asada o un pescado, como salmón o pescado blanco y sin duda alguna son la…


Natural Remedies for IBS

13 December, 2022

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may not crop up much in day-to-day conversation, but for the millions who suffer from it, the condition is impossible to ignore. Not only can it be uncomfortable or painful, but IBS symptoms can seriously impinge on ordinary social interactions and lifestyle, as well. Fortunately, there are treatments for the condition and a dietary investigation that can help sufferers figure out what foods may be triggering…


What Is a Stress Belly and How Do I Get Rid of It?

13 December, 2022

Feeling stressed out is never a good thing. As a matter of fact, anxiety can cause many health issues that may surprise you. Did you know that even your abdomen can be impacted by too much stress? If you’re wondering, “What is a stress belly and how do I get rid of it,” we’ve spoken to an expert and are here to explain the details. Keep reading to learn more,…


Jugo de apio para reducir el colesterol: así se prepara

13 December, 2022

El colesterol es una sustancia cerosa y parecida a la grasa que se encuentra en todas las células del cuerpo que es necesaria para producir hormonas, vitamina D y sustancias que ayuden a digerir los alimentos, de acuerdo con Medline Plus, la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de Estados Unidos. No obstante, tener altos niveles de colesterol puede aumentar el riesgo de sufrir una enfermedad cardíaca, ya que es posible que…


Play written by Corkman is a meditation on loss, life, and grief

13 December, 2022

THE death of his beloved aunt Breda in 2019 acted as the catalyst for Al Dalton to write a play about grief. The result is At The Moment, Everything Is Missing, and Al, from ALSA Productions, will also perform in his play when it is shown in Cork this week. In this one-hander, Al plays three characters. There’s the Resistant Performer, a version of himself. There’s also the voice of…