12 recetas para la cena de Navidad orgullosamente mexicanas

17 December, 2022

El sandwichón, el pozole, los mixiotes, el queso relleno, los lomos adobados, en salsa de tamarindo o con especias, los romeritos con mole, la pierna enchilada o pierna pechada, el pavo a la naranja y el bacalao son recetas consideradas como platillos festivos, comidas para Navidad. Aquí encontrarás 12 recetas navideñas mexicanas, para prepararlos paso a paso. También te puede interesar: 7 ensaladas para acompañar la pierna o lomo de…


Protetox Reviews (2023 Update) Shocking Customer Warnings To Worry About

17 December, 2022

Herbs and spices have been used for centuries to add flavor to food and drinks, but did you know that they also offer a range of health benefits? These natural ingredients are packed with antioxidants and nutrients that can help to improve heart health, control weight, and blood sugar levels, and even fight off infections. Unfortunately, the benefits of these natural ingredients have been forgotten in recent years as people…


Looking to avoid the mortgage stress test? What to know about alternative lenders – National

17 December, 2022

Some Canadian homebuyers hoping to qualify for the biggest mortgage they can get might have been disappointed by the decision this week to keep the stress test unchanged. The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) said in its annual review of the mortgage stress test Thursday that it’s not going to lower the bar that pushes Canadians to qualify at rates higher than their actual contract rate from…


Remedio casero con cebolla para limpiar los riñones: ¿cómo prepararlo?

17 December, 2022

El portal de la Biblioteca de Salud y Medicina de EE.UU., Medline Plus, menciona que todos los seres humanos nacen con dos riñones, cada uno de ellos es del tamaño del puño de cada persona y se encuentran a la mitad de la espalda, para ser más exactos, justo abajo de las costillas. El medio especializado en salud explica que “dentro de cada riñón hay un millón de estructuras pequeñas…


Muse Reviews – Should You Choose Muse Headband For Focus And Sleep?

17 December, 2022

Although it has been practised for as long as history records, meditation has only recently received widespread attention. This method entails mental training and thought rerouting in a positive direction. Some people find that meditation also helps with concentration and stress reduction. From a scientific perspective, it has been shown that this practice not only lessens stress and increases focus, but also fosters emotional well-being, self-awareness, lowers the risk of…


Encuentran una nueva forma de medir la glucosa

17 December, 2022

Un estudio del Instituto Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Ulsan (Corea del Sur) ha dado a conocer una nueva vía para medir los niveles de azúcar en sangre (BGL) sin necesidad de extraerla. Se trata de una técnica revolucionaria y no invasiva para medir los niveles de glucosa en sangre, mediante un sensor de glucosa basado en ondas electromagnéticas (EM) que se inserta bajo la piel. Sus hallazgos, publicados…


Why Your Feet Smell Like Vinegar – Cleveland Clinic

17 December, 2022

Vinegar is pretty cool. You can use it to clean your home, flavor your food and kill weeds. It even repels insects! Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Policy Speaking of repellant … have you ever noticed a vinegar smell emanating from your feet? That’s the thing about the smell of…


cómo eliminarlos con ajo y aceite de oliva

16 December, 2022

Los callos y las callosidades hacen referencia a la formación de capas duras y gruesas de la piel que aparecen cuando esta intenta protegerse de la fricción o la presión. Por lo general, este problema suele aparecer con mayor frecuencia en los pies, las manos y los dedos de los pies. De acuerdo con Mayo Clinic, entidad sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a la práctica clínica, la educación y la…


Strengthening these overlooked muscles can help you stay healthy

16 December, 2022

Editor’s Note: Before beginning any new exercise program, consult your doctor. Stop immediately if you experience pain. CNN  —  There are more than 600 muscles in the human body, and it’s impossible to strengthen each and every one. Yet there are plenty whose power you can enhance, and doing so is key to enjoying a healthy, active life. Strong muscles help combat diabetes, boost cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and mental health, and…


La Jolla Village Merchants Association launches window decorating contest and health and wellness bingo

16 December, 2022

The La Jolla Village Merchants Association spent much of its December meeting talking about the future — the immediate future with a merchant holiday window decorating contest, the not-so-distant future with a health- and wellness-themed bingo game planned for January, and the long-term future of the organization. Window decorating contest LJVMA has appointed a secret panel of judges who will walk The Village from now until Christmas Day, Dec. 25,…