Cómo aumentar el apetito – 7 pasos

18 December, 2022

La falta de apetito puede causar que padezcamos de insuficiencia nutricional y que nuestro cuerpo se sienta más cansado y menos vital debido a la falta de vitaminas y nutrientes. Es importante llevar a cabo una dieta equilibrada, saludable y energética para que nos sintamos en buenas condiciones tanto físicas como mentales. Si te cuesta sentir las ganas de comer, seguramente es porque tienes unos hábitos de vida que provocan…


Healthy recipe swaps for the holidays and beyond

18 December, 2022

Looking for ways to prevent weight gain and eat healthier this holiday season? Look no further than nutrition.va.gov. Veterans often ask me for “better recipes” or “a cookbook.” Some feel the recipes they use at home are no longer useful now that they are trying to make healthier food choices. And we do have some wonderful cookbooks to share with them. Click on the links and scroll halfway down the…


Why Honey Has Become The New Go-To Cough Remedy

18 December, 2022

If you’ve had a sick kid in the last few years, you’ve likely been told that, instead of rushing out to to buy cough syrup, you should stock up on honey instead. Though it sounds like a natural remedy from a book your great grandmother would have turned to (or something from a fairy tale), in fact, honey has become the recommended treatment for kid coughs. But why does honey…


el estrés del paciente oncológico en el foco de una investigación de la UAP

18 December, 2022

paciente.jpg Cáncer. “Es importante comprender que las emociones del paciente van a ser fluctuantes”, expresó el psicólogo que dirige la investigación. Imagen ilustrativa En diálogo con UNO explicó el origen de la investigación y también avances de lo evaluado hasta el momento. —¿Cómo surgió la idea de un proyecto de investigación que evalúe las emociones en pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer? ¿Era un tema que venía trabajando? —La idea surge…


Qué tomar para el dolor de regla: los mejores medicamentos y remedios

18 December, 2022

La dismenorrea son dolores punzantes en la parte baja del abdomen. Se deben a la menstruacióny pueden experimentarse justo antes o durante el periodo. Para algunas mujeres, la molestia es apenas dolorosa. Pero para otras en cambio estos calambres menstruales son lo suficientemente fuertes como para afectar a sus actividades diarias. Tanto es así que en nuestro país cuenta con bajas laborales por menstruaciones dolorosas. Una medida encaminada a permitir…


Advent meditation – Taking Christ seriously: On relational crisis — Sunday Magazine — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News

18 December, 2022

“And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other . . . Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved,” Matthew 24:10–13 (NLT).While the earlier warnings by Christ pointed to those who would try to deceive believers, and to the hostility of the nations towards those who belong to Christ, the…


From Ketogenic To Vegan; Top 5 Weight Loss Diets Of The Year

18 December, 2022

AS WE are approaching to the end of the year 2022, many people might be eager to know all about the trends and favourites of the year in different categories. Weight loss diet is one such category that is most looked up throughout the year. From ketogenic to Mediterranean and vegan diets, let us have a look at the best weight loss diet plans of the year. 1. Ketogenic Diet…


Shailene Woodley Revealed the Secret to Her Homemade Beet Lipstick

18 December, 2022

When it comes to a makeup look, Shailene Woodley likes to rely on her natural beauty as much as possible. When she was doing press for her breakout role in the film The Descendants, she realized just how many chemically based products she was using on her face. Woodley decided then and there that she wanted to integrate natural products and remedies into her skincare and beauty routines. Thus, she…


Tres remedios naturales con avena para limpiar las arterias, bajar el colesterol y los triglicéridos

18 December, 2022

El sistema circulatorio es una red compleja de capilares, vasos sanguíneos y arterias. Como tal, estos tubos transportan la sangre oxigenada a través del cuerpo, ayudan a alimentar todas sus funciones. Cuando el oxígeno se agota, se exhala dióxido de carbono de los pulmones y más sangre rica en oxígeno llega a los pulmones y el ciclo comienza nuevamente. De acuerdo con el portal web Healthline, mientras los vasos estén…


Some pandemic practices live on

17 December, 2022

Dusting off old musical instruments, appreciating the outdoors more meaningfully, dumping the hair dye and letting the gray fly forever. The pandemic disrupted our traditions, practices and pursuits, how we mark milestones, what we do with our time, what’s important in routines. It replaced old with new, a kind of new that just might stick. Nearly three years after the World Health Organization declared the deadly spread of COVID-19 a…