Biden says U.S. not discussing nuclear exercises with South Korea

2 January, 2023

SEOUL/WASHINGTON, Jan 2 (Reuters) – The United States is not discussing joint nuclear exercises with South Korea, President Joe Biden said on Monday, contradicting remarks by his South Korean counterpart as tensions flare with North Korea. South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol had said that Seoul and Washington are discussing possible joint exercises using U.S. nuclear assets, while North Korean leader Kim Jong Un branded the South its “undoubted enemy”. “No,”…


Ayurveda home remedies for bald patches you should try

2 January, 2023

Hair loss is a common condition that almost everyone we know complains about. But that turns into a concern when bald patches start to appear. Did you ignore hair loss for another seasonal effect? Have you recently noticed a bald patch whenever you brush your hair? While it is a condition that affects millions of people, it may hamper your confidence. If you have noticed a small patch, it is…


Samsung Unveils New Bespoke Lineup for Connected and Customized Kitchen Experiences at CES 2023

2 January, 2023

Ahead of CES® 2023, Samsung Electronics today unveiled the newest additions to its customizable Bespoke Home lineup. Samsung’s latest home appliances and services were designed to meet a growing demand for customization and provide a new level of intelligent connectivity that empowers users to be more sustainable in the kitchen. Including a wider selection of Bespoke refrigerator types, a bigger and more immersive 32-inch screen for the Bespoke 4-Door Flex™…


Las consejos y trucos caseros de belleza MÁS EFECTIVOS que hemos aprendido de nuestras madres

2 January, 2023

“Para estar guapa hay que sufrir”… ¿Cuántas veces has escuchado esto? Nosotras mil millones. Nuestras madres son nuestras heroínas y muchas veces hemos pasado por alto sus consejos de belleza. Ellas se han empeñado en darnos los mejores trucos beauty y, aunque la gran mayoría no las hemos hecho caso, confirmamos ya que son los más efectivos y que, como era de esperar, tienen más razón que un santo. Desde…


At The Right Levels, Stress Can Have a Surprising Impact on Memory : ScienceAlert

2 January, 2023

It’s never nice to feel emotionally tense, but a little stress here and there might actually help your short-term memory in the long run. New research from neuroscientists at the University of Georgia (UGA) involving more than 1,200 healthy young adults suggests mental stress is only detrimental when it crosses a certain threshold. It appears to have a beneficial effect on a person’s working memory at relatively low and moderate…


Book of the Year Announced as Thomas A Kempis’ Meditations on Death

2 January, 2023

Thomas A Kempis’ Meditations on Death from TAN Books Death escapes no one. To prepare for eternity, TAN Books announces a new translation for this year’s Book of the Year: Meditations on Death by Thomas à Kempis. Our culture today often seeks to minimize its visibility or to reduce it to a medical event.” — Fr. Robert Nixon GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA, UNITED STATES, January 2, 2023 / — If there…


Inicia el año recuperando la buena salud

2 January, 2023

En esta época del año, si algo abunda es la comida y los excesos; no es extraño caer en la tentación de las delicias gastronómicas que durante estos días pueblan el menú de comidas y cenas caseras; por ello, si se desea recuperar la figura, lo mejor es seguir un plan de alimentación especial después de las fiestas, lo que puede ser de ayuda para liberar las toxinas acumuladas y…


Traditional healer Romaldina cures and comforts patients with a host of natural remedies

2 January, 2023

02 Jan 2023  |   05:44am IST Traditional healer Romaldina cures and comforts patients with a host of natural remedies Natural remedies to infectious diseases and chronic ailments may be looked down upon by today’s youth, but there is no denying that several generations of patients have achieved encouraging results by following the dietary and supplementary recommendations of their elders; Holistic wellness is here to stay Catherine Fernandes  SIOLIM: With…


2 remedios caseros para calentar la garganta y evitar enfermar en temporada de frío

2 January, 2023

En esta época de frío, una de las enfermedades más comunes son la tos, la gripe y resfriado; por eso la importancia de cuidar las vías respiratorias y es que a pesar de ser padecimientos “pasajeros”, las molestias que generan son muy incómodas, sin duda alguna a nadie le gusta presentar dolor de garganta o cabeza, estornudos o tener que limpiarse cada rato la nariz. Para evitar enfermar en esta temporada…


Cómo aumentar el apetito – 7 pasos

1 January, 2023

La falta de apetito puede causar que padezcamos de insuficiencia nutricional y que nuestro cuerpo se sienta más cansado y menos vital debido a la falta de vitaminas y nutrientes. Es importante llevar a cabo una dieta equilibrada, saludable y energética para que nos sintamos en buenas condiciones tanto físicas como mentales. Si te cuesta sentir las ganas de comer, seguramente es porque tienes unos hábitos de vida que provocan…