4 remedios naturales con frutas y semillas para desintoxicar el colon

3 September, 2022

Las propiedades de la linaza ayudan a las personas que sufren de colon irritable, ya que disminuyen sus síntomas y evitan que sea una molestia en el día a día.   02 de septiembre 2022 · 20:31 hs Las semillas de lino o linaza dentro de una dieta equilibrada, pueden ser una de las mejores aliadas para la microbiota intestinal, ya que son buena fuente de fibra y ácidos grasos….


3 medicinal teas to make from common plants this fall | WUWM 89.7 FM

2 September, 2022

The bounty of the growing season is on full display this month and it can be difficult to figure out how to use everything from the garden this time of year. One overlooked solution: making a cup of fresh tea. Many herbs, flowers, and even some things people generally discard from plants, can be used in fresh teas and as herbal remedies. Venice Williams is a big fan of fresh…


Remedios caseros para cubrir las canas

2 September, 2022

Los remedios caseros son tan infinitos como ingredientes hay por todo el mundo. Y también los hay para poder afrontar el problema estético que suponen, para muchas personas, la aparición de canas. Hombres y mujeres ven en la aparición de estos pelos blancos que suelen ir llegando poco a poco a nuestros cabellos, posibles remedios caseros que pueden ayudarnos a frenar el avance de los mismos, o al menos poder…


Blue light exposure may accelerate aging, a study in fruit flies finds

2 September, 2022

Exposure to blue light is becoming increasingly commonplace, from the artificial lighting in our homes to the increased use of our devices. Blue light exposure before bedtime impacts your circadian rhythm and sleep quality, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In a new fruit fly study, researchers from Oregon State University have identified a potential new problem — that blue light may also impact basic cellular…


SCOTT DREYER: September 1 Meditations

2 September, 2022

Today we have been blessed with a gorgeous day here in Southwest Virginia…blue skies and a break from the oppressive August humidity.  Many look expectantly to the three-day weekend honoring Labor Day. However, in history, September 1, 1939 holds a dark and dubious distinction. On this date in 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, plunging that country into a nightmare and the world into WW II. The stunning surprise speed of…


‘It’s a great game, you get exercise and it’s fun which is essential’ – The Irish Times

2 September, 2022

“It’s my serve,” says Willie Treacy. Across the court, his opponent rallies the wiffle ball back to him. In Cabra Parkside Community Sports Centre, there are about 16 to 18 people playing pickleball on this Wednesday evening. Some of Willie’s opponents are up to 45 years younger than him. Pickleball, in its infancy in Ireland, unites different ages, genders and abilities to compete against and play with each other. Like…


Woman who suffered crippling anxiety cured after life-changing holiday

2 September, 2022

A woman who once suffered up to 20 anxiety attacks a day was cured after a lifechanging holiday to India – and has now quit her job and become an apothecary expert to help others beat their struggles with sleep and stress. Clare White, 39, who was a hair and makeup artist, hid her anxiety attacks when they struck at work by hiding in a toilet while she tried to…


Té de manzanilla para regular el azúcar y mejorar la digestión: así se prepara

2 September, 2022

El azúcar es uno de los elementos de la alimentación que peor fama tienen, y esto se debe a que su consumo en exceso puede derivar en diferentes condiciones de salud que ponen en riesgo la vida de las personas. Pese a que no deja de ser cierto que su ingesta descontrolada puede tener efectos nocivos, tampoco se trata de un compuesto innecesario; de hecho, la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina…


Top 3 Most Effective Male Enhancers

1 September, 2022

Male enhancement pills are one of the most in-demand, best-selling supplement sectors of all time as they are nearly as old as the industry itself. And when it comes to researching, reviewing and testing the best male enhancement pills on the market, it is no easy task to sift and sort through all of the nonsense that clouds the industry today. However, there are a few very important distinctions all…


Trucos caseros de limpieza | Remedios naturales para ahuyentar las polillas del armario | Hacks | nnda nnni | RESPUESTAS

1 September, 2022

Las polillas son pequeños insectos que provocan daños en la ropa, sobre todo en las prendas de lana y otras fibras naturales. Pero eso no es todo: también dejan mal olor en la ropa, por lo que es indispensable evitarlas y así poder disfrutar de nuevo de la ropa que guardamos en el clóset. Uno de las primeras recomendaciones es mantener el orden dentro del armario y realizar una limpieza usual para detectar estos…